Stephen W. Lewelling

By virtue of a deed of trust, executed to me on the 20th day of June, 1850, by Stephen W. LEWELLING, and recorded in the office of the Probate Court of Marshall County, Mississippi, in Deed Book P, on pages 165, 166, 167 and 168 I shall, on the first Monday in March, 1855, in front of the court house door, in the town of Holly Springs, sell to the highest bidder for cash, a tract of land, situate in the State of Mississippi, in the County of Marshall, being Section No. 13, township No. 2, range No. 2 west, it being the same heretofore occupied and cultivated as a plantation by the said Stephen W. LEWELLING, containing six hundred and forty acres of land, more or less. (remainder omitted for brevity).

Source: Unrecorded Source - Trust Sale of land and Negroes