I have researched a number of books from England, Wales and Ireland paying particular attention to the transition of the Welsh patronymic system into the Anglo surname system. During that research I uncovered a number of Llewellyn individuals that I will document here.

  • William Thomas married Joan Llewelyn, daughter of Lewis Llewelyn of Rhyd Lavar around 1500[1].
  • Under-Sheriff, John Llewelin of Ynis-y-Gerwn, for 1669 appointed by Charles II[2]
  • High Sheriff - George Llewellin, Esq. 1676, appointed y King Charles II[3]
  • William Lluellin of London, Esq. Listed in Nobility and Gentry which are, or lately were, related unto the County of Middlesex and City of London, 1673[4]
  • John Llewelin of Ywysgerwn, Gent. 1673, County of Glamorgan[5]
  • Thomas Llewellin for Tir y Gwryd ysha being part of Tir y Pimpint, pays yearly 4:10:0[6]
  • Rental of the Clunne Manor of Pentyrch and Clun, circa 1670. Lent by R. W. Llewellyn Esq. of Baglan[7]
  • Mention of Evan Llewellin, the son of David Llewelin [8]
  • Elizabeth Llewelin, widow, for a cottage and Garden at Pen-yr-heal in the parish of Lanedarn
  • 1688 Edward Lewellin of Newton Nottage, gentleman, who was charged with speaking in Welsh against the new government of William of Orange. Mr. Llewellin was a Jacobite and this was the earliest recorded prosecution of a Jacobite.[9]
  • Henry Llewellyn, of Llystallabontt, yeoman. On the 12 of April [1585], by force and arms, &c, a bridge of an elm tree, containing in length of eight feet, of the value of 4s. of the goods nd chattels of Richard Thomas, at Llystallabont within the parish of St. Johns in the county aforesaid, with a certain saw did saw and cut down, to the grievous loss of the said Richard Thomas and against the peace of our said Lady the now Queen”[10]
  • 30 Eliz, 1588, Thomas Llewellyn of Lisvane, husbandman, slew Morgan Richard. Jury found that he did so in self defence.[11]
  • Gaol File No. 10, 36 Eliz. 1594 John Llewelin, gentleman, of Llanwynno, along with 3 others assaulted Thomas Comyn. John became an accessory to murder.[12]
  • Gaol File, Bundle 21, No. 3 16 Jac I. 1619 William Lewelyn of Caeru, yeoman, on 29 August (with 6 others) riotously assembled and assaulted another group of men.[13]
  • Bundle 22, No. 1. I W & M 1688 – Edward Llewelin, formerly of Newton Nottage in the county of Glamorgan, gentleman, being a malicious and seditious man and designing and maliciously and seditiously intending, not only to our Lord William the third, now King of England, into hatred and contempt, … Basically said “There was never such a fool of a King as this.” And he made other statements against the King and Queen.[14]
  • John Llewellyn married Margaret Sadler, her father being John Sadler. This being from the genealogy of Welch Poole in Mountgomeryshire 1613.[15]
  • Benjamin Humprhreys m. 1694, Mary Llewellyn, of Haverford.[16]
  • Septuli (buried) 1624 Elizabeth ver. Willim Llewelin the 19 of December [17]
  • Elizabeth Llewelin, wife of Lewis Grono was buried on May day, 1691[18]
  • Castle Bythe – William Howel, em. C. 1683, Maurice Llewelyn (B), gentleman, b. 1645, em. 1686 (suppose em. means emigrated)[19]
  • Baptism, 1546, Dec 13, Agnes, daughter of Thomas Lewellyn[20]
  • 1688, August 13, Will. Galtum b. & Mary Lewellin,s John Spencer[21]
  • 1660 Sep 12 – Grace Lewellin, d of Jenkin and Grace[22]
  • 1625 Aug 13 – Thomas Flewellin ch. Pl. Burial[23]
  • 1631 Burial Dec 16 Margaret Flewelline[24]
  • Burial 1634 Aug 29 Bridgett Flewellin, ch. [25]
  • Burial 1643 Aug 4 Anne Flewellen[26]
  • Burial 1660 Sep 15, Grace Llewelin, ch[27]
  • Richard, sonne to Moris Llewelin laborer, buried the same day (the 6th day of October, 1632)[28]
  • John Llewelin of Pentre Shanell, buried the 26th Oct 1632[29]
  • Rebecca doughter to Dauid Llewelin, buried the 2 Jul 1635[30]
  • Gwen the wife of Richard Llewelin, buried 4 June 1636[31]
  • Jave vz John, the wife of David Llewelin, buried 9 Dec 1637[32]
  • Ann, d. of Rowland Llewelyn, of Pontesbury, baptized, 4 Aug 1602[33]
  • Jane, d. of John Llewellin of Tylstocke, yeoman, buried, 5 Mar 1616[34]
  • Katherin, w. of John Llewellin, yeomas buried., 3 Jul 1626[35]
  • Robert Llewellin & Joane Grave. 26 Nov, 1633[36]
  • June 24 1616, Anna Lewellen filia (daughter) Thomae Lewellen sepulta (buries)[37]
  • Thomas filius Thomae Lewellin sepultis 21, Feb 1616/17[38]
  • Maria Lewellin filia Thomae Lewellin sepulta 22 June 1620[39]
  • Tomas Llewellen sepultus 1 Aug 1626[40]
  • Thomas Cobb & Marareta Lewellin vidua nupti 18 Oct 1627[41]
  • Gabrielus Beudbredge & Jana Lewellen nupti 12 April, 1631[42]
  • Richard Lewellin and Margret Anne, 18 Oct 1620[43]
  • Thomas Fletcher and Grace Lluellen, Jul 14, 1652[44]
  • Anne, daughter of Thomas Flewelen and Eleanor his wife was baptized 2 Feb 1637[45]
  • John, son of Thomas Flewelen and Eleanor his wife was baptized 24 Dec 1641[46]
  • the xxvij of June, 1603 was baptized Sisslie Llewelyn the dau of William Llewelyn of Westerly[47]
  • The iij of July was baptized Mary Llewelyn the daughter of William Llewelyn[48]
  • The xxiij day of Nov was buried Hugh LLn [Llewellyn] of Abson 1600[49]
  • Joane Lluellen was buried Nov xxj of 1639[50]
  • Thomas Beece of Kainsham and Ann Leuellwin of this parish married may 31 1658[51]
  • Ann Fluelling md John Britten 8 Jun 1663[52]
  • Hugh, s. of Thomas Lleweline, bap. 18 May 1591[53]
  • Thomas Llewellen, buried, 11 Dec 1597[54]
  • Alse, d. of Robert Llewelline of the Moores Woods, bap 19 Apr 1601[55]
  • Catherine Llewelline, buried, 3 July 1604[56]
  • William Lewelline, buried, 4 Mar 1607[57]
  • Robert Lewelline, buried, 11 Apr 1610[58]
  • Margaret Llewelline, buried, 13 Jan 1613[59]
  • Elizabeth Llewillin, buried, 12 Sep 1638[60]
  • Catherine Lewellin, buried, 11 May 1642[61]
  • Phillip Flewellen, stranger, in the churchyard, 9 Aug 1642[62]
  • Jeames s. Howell & Elizabeth Llewellen, 24 Sep 1620, bap[63]
  • Ann FFlewellen, elemozena, date of ead. July, 1608 (death roll)[64]
  • William Brimble and Joane Llewellin, 20 Oct, 1636[65]
  • Dec 1657 William Llwelin of Pucklechurch in ye county of Gloucester and Alice Ashbee, widow of Inglescombe, contract of marriage published three times[66]
  • Mathew Fluellinge, a stranger, 28 Jan 1576 (noted as probably Llewellyn) burial[67]
  • John Llewelin 30 May 1635, Registers of the bath abbey, burial[68]
  • Mrs Alice Lewellen, in ye church, 26 Mar 1687, burial[69]
  • Maudlyn, wife of Howel Llewelin, 11 June 1640[^70]
  • a crisson child, dau of John Llewelin, 9 Nov 1631[70]
  • William Flewelin and Rose Aspley, wid. 15 Sep 1653[71]

For a complete list of books researched for Llewellin surnames please see here.

Continue to Part 2

  1. Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and the County Families of Wales containing a record of all ranks of the gentry, their lineage, alliances, appointments, armorial ensigns, and residences, with many Ancient Pedigrees and Memorials of Old and Extinct Families;, by Thomas Nicholas Vol. 1, London: Longman’s, Green, Reader, and Co., Pasternoster Row, 1872 ↩︎

  2. Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and the County Families of Wales containing a record of all ranks of the gentry, their lineage, alliances, appointments, armorial ensigns, and residences, with many Ancient Pedigrees and Memorials of Old and Extinct Families;, by Thomas Nicholas Vol. 2, London: Longman’s, Green, Reader, and Co., Pasternoster Row, 1872 ↩︎

  3. Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and the County Families of Wales containing a record of all ranks of the gentry, their lineage, alliances, appointments, armorial ensigns, and residences, with many Ancient Pedigrees and Memorials of Old and Extinct Families;, by Thomas Nicholas Vol. 2, London: Longman’s, Green, Reader, and Co., Pasternoster Row, 1872 ↩︎

  4. An Alphabetical Account of the Nobility and Gentry, Counties of England and Wales, London, printed 1673, p. 58 ↩︎

  5. An Alphabetical Account of the Nobility and Gentry, Counties of England and Wales, London, printed 1673. ↩︎

  6. Demeane Tenants with Rents (1666-1670), p. 94 ↩︎

  7. Demeane Tenants with Rents (1666-1670), p. 94 ↩︎

  8. Demeane Tenants with Rents (1666-1670), p. 104 ↩︎

  9. Demeane Tenants with Rents (1666-1670), p. 108 ↩︎

  10. Calendar Rolls and Gaol Files, p. 149 ↩︎

  11. Calendar Rolls and Gaol Files, p. 160 ↩︎

  12. Calendar Rolls and Gaol Files, p. 162 ↩︎

  13. Calendar Rolls and Gaol Files, p. 165 ↩︎

  14. Calendar Rolls and Gaol Files, p. 172 ↩︎

  15. Calendar Rolls and Gaol Files, p. 178 ↩︎

  16. Heraldic Visitations of Wales and Part of the Marches, by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, Vol. 1, printed and published by William Rees, MDCCCXLVI (1846), p. 275 ↩︎

  17. Historical Collections Relating to Gwynedd, A Township of Montgmery County, Pennsylvania, Settled 1698, by Immigrants from Wales, by Howard M. Jenkins, 1897, p. 98 ↩︎

  18. The First Volume of the Conway Parish Registers in the rural deanery of Arllechwedd, 1541 to 1793, London, 1900, p. 113 ↩︎

  19. The Registers of Llantrithyd, Glamorganshire, by H. Seymour Hughes, London, 1888, p.45 ↩︎

  20. West Wales Historical Records, Vol. IX., 1920-23, by Francis Green, Carmarthen, 1923, p. 31 ↩︎

  21. Heraldic Church Notes from Cornwall, p. 124 ↩︎

  22. London Parish Registers, Marriages at St. James, p. 199 ↩︎

  23. Memorials of St. Margaret’s Church Registers, Westminster, p. 263 ↩︎

  24. Memorials of St. Margaret’s Church Registers, Westminster, p. 537 ↩︎

  25. Memorials of St. Margaret’s Church Registers, Westminster, p. 560 ↩︎

  26. Memorials of St. Margaret’s Church Registers, Westminster, p. 567 ↩︎

  27. Memorials of St. Margaret’s Church Registers, Westminster, p. 605 ↩︎

  28. Memorials of St. Margaret’s Church Registers, Westminster, p. 661 ↩︎

  29. Shropshire Parish Registers Vol. 4, p. 492 ↩︎

  30. Shropshire Parish Registers Vol. 4, p. 492 ↩︎

  31. Shropshire Parish Registers Vol. 4, p. 514 ↩︎

  32. Shropshire Parish Registers Vol. 4, p. 522 ↩︎

  33. Shropshire Parish Registers Vol. 4, p. 532 ↩︎

  34. Shropshire Parish Registers Vol. 6, p. 41 ↩︎

  35. Shropshire Parish Registers Vol. 9, p. 136 ↩︎

  36. Shropshire Parish Registers Vol. 9, p. 146 ↩︎

  37. Somerset Parish Registers, Marriages, Vol. 6, p. 136 ↩︎

  38. The First Register of St. Mary’s church, Bocking, Essex, p. 142 ↩︎

  39. The First Register of St. Mary’s church, Bocking, Essex, p. 144 ↩︎

  40. The First Register of St. Mary’s church, Bocking, Essex, p. 152 ↩︎

  41. The First Register of St. Mary’s church, Bocking, Essex, p. 172 ↩︎

  42. The First Register of St. Mary’s church, Bocking, Essex, p. 208 ↩︎

  43. The First Register of St. Mary’s church, Bocking, Essex, p. 211 ↩︎

  44. St Mary, Aldermarry, London, p. 14 ↩︎

  45. St Thomas the Apostle, London, p. 19 ↩︎

  46. Hanham and Oldland Parish, Gloucestershire, p. 46 ↩︎

  47. Hanham and Oldland Parish, Gloucestershire, p. 53 ↩︎

  48. Bitton Parish Register, County of Gloucester, p. 19 ↩︎

  49. Bitton Parish Register, County of Gloucester, p. 22 ↩︎

  50. Bitton Parish Register, County of Gloucester, p. 83 ↩︎

  51. Bitton Parish Register, County of Gloucester, p. 106 ↩︎

  52. Bitton Parish Register, County of Gloucester, p. 70 ↩︎

  53. Bitton Parish Register, County of Gloucester, p. 71 ↩︎

  54. More Parish Register, Shropshire, p. 3 ↩︎

  55. More Parish Register, Shropshire, p. 5 ↩︎

  56. More Parish Register, Shropshire, p. 6 ↩︎

  57. More Parish Register, Shropshire, p. 7 ↩︎

  58. More Parish Register, Shropshire, p. 9 ↩︎

  59. More Parish Register, Shropshire, p. 10 ↩︎

  60. More Parish Register, Shropshire, p. 11 ↩︎

  61. More Parish Register, Shropshire, p. 21 ↩︎

  62. More Parish Register, Shropshire, p. 22 ↩︎

  63. St. Bene’t and St. Peter, Paul’s Wharf, London, vol. 4, p. 221 ↩︎

  64. St Olave, Hart Street, London, p. 33 ↩︎

  65. Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick, Vol. 3, p. 76 ↩︎

  66. Abbey Church of S.S. Peter and Paul, Bath Vol. 1, p. 211 ↩︎

  67. Abbey Church of S.S. Peter and Paul, Bath Vol. 1, p. 222 ↩︎

  68. Abbey Church of S.S. Peter and Paul, Bath Vol. 2, p. 329 ↩︎

  69. Abbey Church of S.S. Peter and Paul, Bath Vol. 2, p. 356 ↩︎

  70. Abbey Church of S.S. Peter and Paul, Bath Vol. 2, p. 388 ↩︎

  71. Abbey Church of S.S. Peter and Paul, Bath Vol. 2, p. 359 ↩︎