March 1832

Ayres v. Lewellin[1]

I don't know what happened between G. Lewellin and J. Ayres but because this happened in Bedford Co., I think we can guess G. Lewellin may have been up to no good.

On April 13th, 1818, 1819, 1820 and 1821, J. Ayres brought action against G. Lewellin for "the sums of 100 dollars, and eight dollars 33 cents, and the cost of this motion, the only difference between the four judgments being the amount of interest owed." The courts had awarded Ayres judgement in each of the four cases and Lewellin petitioned that it was unfair to have five sets of costs instead of one set of costs.

  1. Virginia Reports, Annotated, pp. 744 - 748 ↩︎