"Ran away from the Subscriber, living in King and Queen County, on the 10th day of July, a servant man named Christopher Lewellin, about 21 or 22 years of age, of a middle stature, and somewhat pitted with the smallpox, has a sly look, pretends to be a fine singer, scar on the outside of his right leg, a great many letters and flowers marked on his arms in blue, with the letters C. L. on one of his hands, very dull; He is a blacksmith by trade, and was imported in the ship Rachel, Capt. Armstrong, in the year 1750. Whoever secures the said run-away, so that I may have him again, shall have two pistole reward if taken up in Virginia, and five pistole if taken in any other province, paid by William Taliaferro.

Source: Virginia Gazette, 21 August 1752