Edwin L. Flewellin, who came to De Kalb County in 1861, and who owns a valuable farm of two-hundred and forty-three acres in Paw Paw township, is now living a retired life at Shabbona Grove. He is a native of Westchester county, New York, born March 11, 1835, and there he grew to manhood, attending the common schools during the winter and assisting in cultivating the home farm during the summer months. He remained with his father on the home farm until he attained his majority. He was married in Westchester county, June 4, 1856 to Miss Jane Creswell, a native of Glasgow, Scotland, who came to America when a young lady.

After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Flewellin commenced their domestic life on a farm  in Westchester county, and there remained a few years. In 1861 they came to De Kalb county, Illinois where Mr. Flewellin purchased a partially improved farm of one hundred sixty acres, and moving to the place, commenced its cultivation, and there resided a few years. Later he purchased eighty-three acres just across the road, and, moving to that farm, there resided until the death of his wife, who passed to her reward, February 15, 1896. He then turned the farm over to his son, and, moving to the village of Shabbona Grove, has since lived a retired life, enjoying the fruits of his former toil.

To Mr. and Mrs. Flewellin seven children were born: Anna is the wife of Henry Mosley, a farmer of Thompson, Ohio. Robert is a grain dealer and merchant residing in the village of Shabbona Grove. Isen resides resides in East Paw Paw, where he is engaged in farming. Jennie is the wife of Edwin George, of Leland, Illinois. Horace C. is in partnership  with his brother  in the merchantile business at Shabbona Grove. Estella i sthe wife of Charles Holmes, a farmer of the Paw Paw township. Edwin L. is operating the old homestead.

Politically Mr. Flewellin is a Republican, with which party he has been identified since receiving his majority. He was twenty-one years old the year the year in which the Republican Party made its first nomination for president, and cast his ballot for the nominee. Office holding was never to his liking and he therefore never held any. The family are members of the Congregational church of Shabbona Grove, and all are highly esteemed for their worth's sake.

Source: The Biographical Record of De Kalb County, Illinois, by S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1898