Well, not quite...

John Lewelling lived on Pope's Creek, Westmoreland County, Virginia, on the property owned by John Washington, son of the emigrant John Washington from whom George descended. This gleaned from John Washington's will dated 23 February, 1697. Apprently John Lewelling had some arrangement with John Washington under which he could habitate the land.

Comment by Ed Livingston from older blog of mine:

Well you might be more correct than you think! John Lewelling and Thomas Speke Jr. were witnesses to a deed of gift by Richard Tidwell to Mary Leverton (Leveston/Livingston) in 1671/2 daughter of Samuel Leveston/Leverton Sr. or if she does not live then to his son Samuel Leverton Jr. Thomas Speke's mother was Frances Garrard the Daughter of Dr. Thomas Garrard of Maryland. We connect by record to the George Eskerigde guardian of Mary Ball! Also, connect to the Nathaniel Pope of Pope's Creek!