Arkansas 1926 Poll Tax
Martha Lewallen - Sep 23, 2008
Lewallen, Comer -----Saline ----Ward One----Benton
Lewallen, J. J. -----Owens----Alexander
Lewallen, J. W. -----Bauxite----Bauxite
Lewallen, Jodie ------Jefferson--Reform
Lewallen, Joe ------Walnut Bottom ----Reform
Lewallen, Mrs. J. W. ---Bauxite---Bauxite
Lewallen, W. E. --------Saline----Ward One---Benton
Billie Harris - Sep 24, 2008
Interesting. I didn't see any of my ancestor's names on there and yet I do know they paid a poll tax. Thanks, Martha.
Martha Lewallen - Sep 24, 2008
W. E. Lewallen is brother to Floyd Lewallen and Comer Lewallen is his son. William Ellis moved to Arkansas before 1910.