Samuel Lewellen, Philip, Jacob, Benjamin, Thomas, David, Asa, Doctor (VA,WVA, Del)
Billie Harris - Aug 1, 2009
The earliest known ancestor of the Jones family was the mother of Jacob Jones, who married (second) Samuel LEWELLEN, and removed with him from near Wilmington Delaware, to Loudoun County, Virginia, where they lived until about 1770. The Lewellens then moved across the mountains and settled on Cheat River, establishing the old Lewellen Ferry, in Monongalia County, Virginia, now West Virginia, near the Pennsylvania line. Samuel Lewellen obtained a grant of land here in 1771, and his name is prominently metnioned in the old records among the early settlers of the county. Of the children of Samuel LEWELLEN the names of the following of been preserved: Philip, Jacob, Benjamin, Thomas, David, Asa, Mary, Samuel, Doctor, who is said to be the eighth child. Their descendents settled in West Virginia, western Pennsylvania and Indiana and were scattered throughout the United States.
Source: Genealogical and Personal History of the Upper Monongahela Valley West Virginia, by James Morton Callahan, Vol. II, published by Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1912, pp. 875-875
Posted on September 3, 2008 at 6:55 pm by admin • Permalink • Leave a comment
In: Research Data • Tagged with: Loudoun, Monongalia, Samuel, VA, WV