F. C. Lewallen, (1822-1900) Baptist Preacher, son of Samuel

Billie Harris - Feb 5, 2010

From:   Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers by J. J. Burnett

"F.C. Lewallen, born February 29, 1832; died February 12, 1900:
   "The light has gone out of the home,
     And all is dark and drear;
     The children now are sad and lone,
     No father's loe to share.

("Inscription on tombstone here in Bethel Cemetery, near Clinton.)   So runs the 'notebook record.'

"Brother Lewallen was of Welsh descent.   His father was Samuel S. Llewellyn, born in 1805, dying in 1870; his mother was Katharine Llewellyn, born in 1809, dying in 1883.   In 1854 F. C. Lewallen was married to Miss Margaret Ann Smith, daughter of William and Cynthia Smith.   Young Lewallen was brought up on a farm, with fair education advantages, and in his younger manhood taught school for a livelihood and to improve his education.   He made a public profession of faith in Christ and united with Bethel Church, Anderson County, September 8, 1866.   Four years later his church, approving his gifts, 'liberated him' to preach the gospel.   The larger part of his ministerial life was spent in Anderson County, and mostly in his home community where he was born and reared.   He was pastor of clinton Church from June 15, 1873, to October 15, 1877.   He was a 'strong preacher and an able defender of the faith; he ranked among the strong preachers and able leaders of the Clinton Association, and served many of her best churches as pastor.'   Brother Lewallen had only three children, a son and two daughters.   His beloved companion prceded him to the better land just a year.   He is survived by his son, Brother W. S. Lewallen of Clinton, and a daughter, Mrs. W. H. Rutherford, wife of the Baptist pastor at Williamsburg, Ky.   He was living with his daughter at the time of his death.   'He was a kind and gentle spirit and every one loved him.   He left an untarnished record as a Christian man and a good minister.   The end came peacefully, and he went away to receive the reward of those who are wise and by God's help, turn many to righteousness."

Billie Harris - Feb 5, 2010

According to Llewellyn Traces, he was a grandson of Richard Lewellen who came from Prince Edward County, VA. to Anderson County, Tennessee.