Morgan County, TN info

Billie Harris - Jul 2, 2010

Darlene Griffin has obtained copies of information from Morgan and Scott counties and has been kind enough to send me copies.   Following is what she sent from Morgan County.

Deed Book A-B-E:   42-43 (Original Book A, page 87) 12 May 1821.   From ANDERSON LUALLEN to ANDREW LUALLEN.   Consideration $150.   50 acres .. on Wolf Creek .. which tract of land was conveyed to the said LUALLEN by NATHANIEL TAYLOR.../s/ Anderson (his x mark) LUALLEN.   Wit.   Walter (his x mark) DAVIS, Benj. C. WHITE.   Acknowledged July Term 1821.   Registerdd 14 Dec. 1821.

Also on that same page are two more deeds relating to DAVIS on Wolf Creek.   Note Davis is mentioned in the Deed above from Anderson to Andrew so these two individuals are probably related somehow.

1.   From Ezekiel Wilhite to Robert DAVIS 12 acres on Wolf Creek.   Witnesses were Henry Begley, William Bridgewaters. Oct. 15, 1821
2.   From Ezekiel Wilhite to Robert Davis 8 acres on wilf Creek beginning at a branch near Taylor's line.   Witnesses were Henry Begley and William Bridgewaters.

"Morgan County, TN Land Survey Book A & B 1824-1836", by Robert L. Bailey, pgs 5-6, 73

In pursuance of an Entry made by ANDREW LUALLEN of No. 91 for Twenty acres of land Dated the 12th day of July 1824.   I have Surveyed for the said county on Wolf Creek joining is other land ... including his house and improvement.   Surveyed 12 Aug. 1824.   Walter DAVIS & ANDERSON LUALLEN, S.C.C.

In pursuance of an Entry made by ANDREW LUALLEN of No. 100 for Twenty acres of land Dated the 17th day of July 1824 i have surveyed for the said Andrew LUALLEN Twenty acres of land in said County on Wolf Creek ... line of survey made in the name of Ezekiel Wilhite ... including the Spring and a part of the improvements where Ezekiel Wilhite formerly lived.   Surveyed 11th August 1824.   Walter DAVIS & ANDERSON LUALLEN, S.C.C.

MATTHEW LUALLER (no doubt Luallen)
In pursuance of an entry made by MATTHEW LUALLER ... for twenty-five acres of land at one cent per acre of No. 634 Dated 26th February 1827.   I have surveyed for MATTHEW LUALLER twenty-five acres of land in said county on the middle fork of Wolf Creek ... corner of a fifty acre survey of WALTER DAVIS ... Surveyed 14th August 1827.   ANDREW LUALLER & JESSE LUALLER, S.C.C.   Original Book B, page 18.

(Note:   Darlene's ancestor was Matthew Luallen who was born 1821.   The Matthew above wouldn't have been him but could have been a son possibly.)

"A History of Morgan County, Tennessee" by Ethel Freytag and Glena Ott 1971

Name, Acres, Value, Total County & State Tax

LEWALLEN, Andrew - 220 - $500 - $1.42
LEWALLEN, John - 105 acres - 175 - $1.08
LEWALLEN, Jack ? - 375 acres - $160 - $104
LEWALLEN, Matthew - 600 acres - $113 - $.84
LEWALLEN, Wm - 6,010 acres - $315 - $1.40

(NOTE that William Lewallen had a sizeable piece of land.   Where was it?)


(NOTE Scott County was formed 1849 from Morgan, Anderson and Fentress counties)

Page 354 of the book reads:

"Some of the earliest residents of Morgan County are signers to a petition that requested the removal of the County seat dated October 18, 1819 (note following spelling of some names).
Thomas Kindred, Henry spicer, James M. Danel, Wm Roach, John Williams, Joseph Ross, David B. Staples, Isaac A. Baldwon, John S. Sims, John Staples, Jonothan McPeters, John Laymance, Charles Wheeler, Jepthaea Duncan, Craven Duncan, Charles Barwick, Sherwood Reece, Joseph England Jr., John Stinecipher, Charles Williams, James Stewart, Martin Rector, Daniel Craig, John Williams, Eljah Prewit, Meshack Stephens Jr., Joseph Hicks, Ansil Adcock, Paul Daniel, ANDY LUALLEN, Robert McCartt, Peter Speere, Larking Web, John Web, Henry Niskles, William Web, Henderson Short, jacob Laymance, John M. DAVIS, Thomas W. Spicer, Henry Knickles, Pattricr Ross, John Dunkin, Aram, Paul Danell, John Bird, William Barwith, Samuel Hall June, Richard Daniel, A. M. Staples, Enoch Duncan, Brice Stewart, John H. Barwick, Sebryd England, John Stinecipher, Bary Thornton, William Stewart, William Eaton, Lewis Rector, Rheuben Williams, Mathias Williams, Andrew Prewit, Elijah Eaton, Levi Jones, Shadrack Stephens, Wat David, AB LUALLEN, John Dunlsin, James Roach, Andrew Shaven, Squire Hall, Stephens mcCoy, Martain Hall, Ezekeal Wilhite, Julius Wilhite, Benjaman Stinecipher, James Brasel, Joseph Stinecipher, John Williams, Meshak Stephans, John McComas, Jephta Burnett, Lewis Fairchiles, Nathaniel Melton,, Mathias Williams, Robert Williams, Aneel Adcock, Charles Pruit, Azra Stinecipher, Isom Melton, Willis Pruit, Azra Hicks, Usra Person, John C. Reese, James Davis, Sam Stinecipher, Daniel Stinecipher, John Stinecipher, Anders Prewitt, Meshack Stephens, James Burnett, Abram Justice, John Melton, Martin Melton, Thomas --- , Martin Brooks, William Jones, Benjamin Willliams, Abram Davis, joseph White, William Jones, Willie Jones, Robert Person.

Darlene Luallen Griffin - Jul 26, 2010

Also from Morgan County, TN Deeds (1818-1846) by Robert L. Bailey, Book A-B-E: 135-136 (Original B,
page 52):
21 Dec 1828   From Walter Davis & ANDREW LUALLEN to JESSE LUALLEN.   Consideration $100.00 on the
middle for of Wolf Creek...containing 50 acres. /s/Walter (his mark) Davis, ANDREW (his mark) LUALLEN.  
Wit.   Levi Trewhitt.   Acknowledged January Session 1828.   Registered 26 Jan 1828.

Darlene Luallen Griffin - Jul 26, 2010

From Reconstruction of the Morgan County, TN Census by Freytag (1994):
     Head of Families - Andy Luallen 1819