Descendants of Abel & Hannah Lewelling, Norfolk County, VA

Billie Harris - Feb 9, 2011

Okay, so I'm taking a stab at the genealogy.   There are hundreds of blanks and help in filling them in would be appreciated.   I know we (me especially) have said the Richard Lewelling of Prince Edward County was from a different line than the one of Norfolk, but ... was he?   Note Daniel, Richard and Thomas are all in Prince Edward County, and note the names of Daniel (perhaps named for Daniel Culpepper) and Richard below.

I need your help.   There are MANY questions at the end.   And I'm not saying this genealogy is 100% accurage, but it's the best I could piece together.   Please post your comments and thoughts so we can discuss them.

A bit of history from The Handy Book for Genealogists:   The first ships left England for Jamestown 1607.   In 1618 the Virginia Company granted land to all free settlers.   By 1700, Virginia had 80,000 persons in the Tidewater area.   Between 1710 and 1740, passes were discovered across the Blue Ridge mountains into the Shenandoah Valley.   Emigrants from Pennsylvania and New Jersey began to enter the valley.   As early as 1730, there was heavy immigration of Scotch-Irish, Germans and Welsh from Pennsylvania into Virginia, most of whom settled in the upper valleys.   They brought with them their religions - Presbyterian, Baptist and Quaker.   Methodist churches were established around 1800.   By the mid 18th century, Virginia had grown to ovr 28,000 people.

"Between 1750 and 1784, land grants made to the Ohio Company encouraged exploration beyond the Alleghenies.   The new area, southeast of the Ohio River, was organized by Virginia in 1775 as the District of West Augusta, though much was ceded to Pennsylvania in 1779.   In the 1770's the Wilderness Road across the Cumberland Gap opened up Kentucky.   Kentucky County, which would later become the State of Kentucky, was organized in 1776.   ..."

Before starting though, the early Llewellyn/Lewellings, etc. were in Charles City County, Norfolk, Prince George, Amelia and Prince Edward counties.   The formation and location of these counties is important.

When you look for Norfolk County on the map, you won't find it.   " Norfolk County is an extinct county in South Hampton Roads in eastern Virginia in the United States. It existed for 270 years, from 1691 to 1963. After the American Civil War, for a period of about 100 years, portions of Norfolk County were lost and the territory of the county reduced as they became parts of the separate and growing independent cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth and South Norfolk...In 1691 Lower Norfolk County was in turn divided to form Norfolk County and Princess Anne County (which became the independent city of Virginia Beach in 1963)...",_Virginia

Charles City County was one of the original shires, formed 1634.

Prince George County was formed 1700 from Charles City County

Amelia County was formed 1734 from Charles City   and Brunswick counties.

Prince Edward County was formed 1752 from Amelia County.

                         ABEL and HANNAH LEWELLING and their descendants

Abel Lewelling's wife was Hannah, last name unknown.   Abel died 1672 and Hannah then married John Herbert

Their children were   (1)   Richard, (2) Abel, and (3) Edward - not necessarily in that order.

                               1.   RICHARD LEWELLING

Richard was born ca 1659-61.   It's been written that he was born in Norfolk County, however, Norfolk wasn't in existence until 1691.   More than likely, he was born in Charles City County.

His wife was Elizabeth Owen.

   1671 - Norfolk County, although Norfolk wasn't in existence at this time, so it was probably Charles City County.   The Will of John Herbert was made.   (He was the stepfather of Richard and Edward Lewelling.)   He left his estate, after his wife, to his son John and the child unborn.   His wife was to enjoy the estate as long as she lived. Should the children die, then his estate was to go to Richard and Edward Lewellin.   Names his "brother Thomas Willoughby."  
   1688 -   Charles City County, Richard was a defendant in a lawsuit.   The same year he was security for an estate.
   1690, Charles City County, Richard is mentioned in a court judgment, non attendance.
   1707 - Charles City County, he witnessed a Will
   1709 - Charles City County, he and Edward witnessed a Will of Edward Hewes
   1710 - Charles City County, William Owen Sr. died.   His brother-in-laws were Edward Davis, Richard Taylor and Richard Lewelling.   Owen's property adjoined Edward Lewelling, Richard Lewelling, Edward Hues and John Taylor.
   1713 - Prince George County, he witnessed a deed.
   1714 - In either Charles City or Norfolk county (I've seen both counties given so am not sure which is correct)   he received 278 acres adjoining Drury Stith for transporting six people.
   1721 - Richard Llewellen to Abel Llewellen (need more info on this transaction.)
   1722 - Richard Lewelling's Will made Oct. 27 and proved May 18, 1723.
   1730 -   Charles City County, Thomas Flewellin of Westover Parish, Charles City Co. to Benjamin Harrison of same, for 5 pounds, land on West side of Herring Creek Swamp, being part of a track Richard Flewellin, father of said Thomas, etc., signed by Thomas Flewellin, 6 Jan. (confirms Thomas as a son)

The children of Richard and Elizabeth (Owen) Lewelling were:

   Had son THOMAS, per the 1730 entry above.   It's possible Richard was deceased by 1730.


   Abel died 1750.   His Will was dated April 28, 1750 and proved June 22.   Names wife Sarah and seven children.   Witnesses were William Nash, George Rouviere and William Pool .   Sarah died 1762 and there's an inventory of her estate.

Showing in the 1780 census for Norfolk County with 10 whites
Showing in the 1780 census for Norfolk County
There's also an Isabell Lewelling showing in the 1780 census who was probably a widow.



5 - 10 - DAUGHTERS

                               2.   ABEL LEWELLING

In 1736 there was an Abel who was a witness to the Will of William Wise in Norfolk County.   Was this Abel, son of Abel and Hannah, or was this Abel, son of Richard?

Abel's Will is dated 1737.   His children were:




                               3.   EDWARD LEWELLING

Edward married Margaret (Ballentine) Markham, widow of John Markham.   NOTE:   Here, there's some confusion.   This Edward's wife is named Margaret and so is the wife of Edward Jr.   It seems a bit ironic, so did I make a mistake with one of their wives?  

Their children were:

1.   EDWARD LEWELLING JR. (ca 1673-1752)

Edward's Will is dated Jan. 10, 1752 and probated in August.   Wife Margaret.   Children Thomas, Lewis, Benjamin, Edward, John, Elizabeth Bustion, Lydda Ewell, Mary Lewelling, Lettisha Lewelling and Lettas Lewelling.    

Margaret married after Edward passed away to Peter Dyer (or Dyes) Aug. 27, 1754.   Marriage bond dated Aug. 27, 1754, Norfolk County.   "Know all men by these presents that Peter Dyes and Thomas Owens are held and firmly bound unto our Soveign Lord the king his heirs and successors in the full and just sum of fifty pounds current money to which payment will and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our heirs executors & admin. jointly and severally firmly by these presents.   Sealed witho ur seals this 27th day of Aug't 1754.  

In 1754, Lemuel Veale sued Margaret Lewelling, executrix of Edward Lewelling (perhaps for a portion of the estate).

There's a Will in Norfolk for a Thomas Lewelling dated 1758, but no info.
   (7)   LYDDA EWELL
   (10)   LETTAS LEWELLING, born Oct. 1747.   Dec. 6, 1768 Letta Lewelling married Benjamin Bunting.   Robert Fry, Clerk of Vestry, made oath that Letta was the daughter of Edward and Margaret Lewelling, and was born Oct. 24, 1747.

2.   WILLIAM LEWELLING (before 1714-1752

His Will was made Jan. 28, 1751 and proved April 16, 1752.   "Of the Western Branch of Elizabeth River and County of Norfolk..."   Names wife Francis (see following list of children) to be executor.   Gives her the plantation during her widowhood and then to his son John.   The Will names the children and a grandson.   Witnesses:   Richard Bustion, John Owens, Daniel Culpepper.
Moved to Tyrell/Martin County, North Carolina.   Was known as "Capt. John Lewelling, the Tory."   Wife Mary.
In 1761 Daniel McLamb of Tyrell County sold to John Lewelling of same 200 acres on the north side of Conneto Creek adjoining William Everett.   The deed was witnessed by William Wailes, William Smith, and Richard Taylor.   There's documentation that Richard Taylor was a neighbor of John Lewellings.
   In 1775 John Jackson made a will naming John Lewelling as an executor.   It was witnessed by William Lewelling (WHO WAS WILLIAM LEWELLING?   Was he a son of John's?)
   In 1775 Norfolk Virginia, John Lewelling and Mary, his wife, of Martin County, N.C. sold to Thomas Moore, St. Bride's Parish, Norfolk, land on the western branch beginning on Lloyd's Creek and running up a cove dividing the said land from the land of William Bunting.   It also mentions property of Thomas Green.   John signed the deed but Mary didn't.   It was witnessed by George Veale, George Collins, John Owens, and John Moore.
   In 1779 the tax list for Martin County shows John Lewelling with 12,026 acres and William Lewelling with 438 acres.   Again, who was William Lewelling?
   The 1790 census shows John Lewillin
   John's Will is dated October 22, 1793.   Names children:
         A.   MARY BOWERS (his wife's daughter)
         B.   CHLOE BOWERS, his wife's daughter, and her husband William Bowers
         C.   CLARY SOUTHERLAND, his wife's daughters
           D.   CHARLOTTE STATON, his wife's daughter
           E.   GRACY MOOREING (doesn't specify who she is)
           F.   ANNESS MOORE, his wife's daughter (husband may have been William Moore because the Will mentions him)
           G.   SUSANNAH MOORING, wife's daughter, husband was James mooring
           H.   JOHN LEWELLING, son of wife.   Left him the land except that which his mother could "tend with two hands and one-fourth part of the orchard during her life."  
   The Will doesn't name his wife, but it was Mary.   The Will was signed in the presence of Matthew Bennet, Martha Close, Francis Burnett.   Another document shows John's property was by the Martin County line with Edgecombe.

It's assumed Sarah married John Manning of Norfolk County.   He died 1757, naming his sons John and Matthew as executors.   Names a grandson William (son of Matthew)   daughter Ann Taylor, daughter Sarah Lewelling, granddaughter Elizabeth Taylor, daughter Eliza Cherry, grandson Seth Cherry, daughter Elizabeth Cherry, daughter Margaret Dyes, daughter Lette Lewelling.His land was 100 acres on Herbert's Neck
           A.   JOHN MANNING
           B.   MATTHEW MANNING
                 a.   WILLIAM MANNING
           C.   ANN TAYLOR
                 a.   ELIZABETH TAYLOR
           D.   SARAH LEWELLING
           E.   ELIZA CHARRY
                 a.   SETH CHERRY
           F.   ELIZABETH CHERRY (could this be Eliza above?)
           G.   MARGARET DYES
           H.   LETTIE LEWELLING

   (3)   FRANKE LEWELLING (may have married a Johnson, and if so, her name was Francis)

   (4)   ANNAS LEWELLING (may have been deceased by 1770 and probably married a Culpepper - see her mother's Will)


   (6)   CHLOE LEWELLING married Thomas Grimes.   Had a son William Grimes.   Chloe died December 8, 1794.   William Grimes died May 8, 1797

   (7)   LIDDIA LEWELLING (married Robert Sherrod and had children Lydia, Abbay Shivers, Sabra Hyman, Sally Manning, Polly Best, John, Salathiel, Robert (died 1810/11) and Wilson Sherrod.)   Lydia died 1820.   Her Will was dated Nov. 24


One of his daughters probably married Lemuel Veale who died 1756, but no documentation to substantiate it.   His children were Dempsey (b ca 1735/7), George (b 1738/40), Francis (b 1747), Sally (b 1749) and Crawford (b. 1745/50)

Frances Lewelling, William's wife (maiden name given as Culpepper) made her Will out Nov. 29, 1770 in Tyrrell County, North Carolina.   She mentions her deceased husband, John.   NOTE, the name of John as her deceased husband, however, his name was William.   If she could neither read nor write, it's possible the name was written erroneously...billie.   She named her five children (which means some were deceased by then.)   The children were John, Anna, Chloe, Lyddia, Abbey Lewelling.   She mentions her three grandchildren, William Manning, Willis Culpepper and Fanny Culpepper.   Witnesses were James Sherrod, Lyddia Sherrod and Robert Sherrod.

3.   SAMUEL LEWELLING (born before 1714)

5.   LUKE LEWELLING (over 16 in 1730)
   Luke's wife's name was Martha.   In 1741 Norfolk County, they sold property to William Bustion.


1.   DINAH LEWELLING married richard Jackson Oct. 6, 1744 in Norfolk County.   Surety was Abel Lewelling.   Who was this Dinah and Abel?

2.   THOMAS LEWELLING witnessed a Deed Nov. 10, 1750 between Edward and Catherine Hugh to Daniel Culpepper, shipwright, 200 acres on the West branch of the Elizabeth River bounding Richard Bunting, Richard Taylor.

3.   ELIZABETH LEWELLING who married in Norfolk 1760 (Oct. 16) to Samul Langley.   Elizabeth's father was Richard, but which Richard.

4.   RICHARD LEWELLING.   Will dated Sept. 8, 1761 and proved in December.   Wife Alice.   Son William.   Wife's granddaughter, mary Holmes, daughter of John Holmes.   Cousins Richard Inkson and Eliza Inkson.   Brothers John, Abel, Paul, and sister Eliza Langley.   Witnesses:   Samuel and Josph Langley, William Colley.   Change in the Will Oct. 26 1761 leaving out Mary Holmes.   Alice died 1765.

5.   SARAH LEWELLING, Inventory of her estate 1762.

6.   PAUL LEWELLING.   1765 Solomon Hodge's Tithables included Paul Lewelling.

7.   JOHN LEWELLING.   There's more than one so who would this one be?   In 1772 Ann Bailey, born ca 1725, was called a "free Negro" on 18 July 1754 when she sued William Freeman in Norfolk County court for taking her daughter, Sue, outside the colony.   She was called Ann Bailey, "a free Molatto," on 17 January 1755 when the court bound her daughter Sue to Lewis Stanford.   She was the "free negro" mother of James Bailey who complained to the Norfolk County court on 17 December 1772 about the treatment he was receiving from his master, JOHN LEWELLING.

8.   BENJAMIN LEWELLING.   His Will was dated 1773 although we don't have a copy of it.

9.   SALLY LEWELLING.   She married Richard Carney Jr. Aug. 3, 1774

10.   KEZIAH LEWELLING.   In 1778 she married James Spahn.   Surety was ABEL LEWELLING

11.   ELIZABETH LEWELLING.   In 1778 she married James Boush

12.   RICHARD LEWELLEN.   In 1778 James Kilgrow married Sally Stockley and Richard was the surety.

13.   ANN LEWELLING.   In 1783 she married Manor Dyson

14.   ELIZABETH LEWELLING.   In 1783 she married Spiva Wiatt

15   LYDIA LEWELLING.   In 1785 she married James Ives.   Written in bond is "with their guardian's consent.)

16.   RICHARD LEWELLING.   Who was this Richard Lewelling?   On March 30, 1793, he married Grace Stockley.   Surety Eyres Stokeley.
In 1798, James M. Kilgrow (or Kilgore) married Sally Stockley.   Surety was Richard Lewellen who was her brother-in-law.   Richard's Will is dated October 4, 1802 and proved May 24, 1802.   He was a boat builder (as was Abel).   His Will names his wife Grace, son Joshua and daughter Nancy.   The witnesses to the Will were John Pretlove, Joseph Evans, James Dyson and James Kilgrow.   July 17, 1802, Mrs. Grace Lewelling married Turner Stephenson, surety James Kilgore.   Nancy Lewelling married Edmund Spense Jan. 23, 1818, and Joshua Lewelling was security.   November 2, 1825, Joshua Lewelling married Mary Lester with Thomas Lester as security.   Joshua was security 1825 for the marriage of Henry Stevenson and Mrs. Elizabeth Castine, a widow.   (Note:   Grace Lewelling, wife of Richard, married secondly Turner Stephenson.   Relationship between Turner and Henry ?)   Joshua was also security in the marriage of William Keeling and Miss Eliza Lester 1828.   He was the security in the marriage of Josiah Dows and Miss Frances kilgore 1829 and in the marriage of John May and Miss Mary Ann Poke same year.   NOTE:   This Richard would NOT be the same one as the one in Prince Edward County who was born 1763.   Chances are, this one would have been born closer to 1770.  

17.   JAMES LEWELLING.   July 2, 1796 he married Annis Owins

18.   ABEL LEWELLING is shown in the 1801 Norfolk directory as a boat builder (see Richard who was also a boat builder).   He's shown in the 1810 census.   In 1827, Norfolk, there was a meeting to oppose the election of Gen. Andrew Jackson for president.   Among those appointed as a committee was Abel Lewelling.

19.   PAUL LEWELLING.   Married Ann Godfrey June 15, 1802

20.   ABEL LEWELLEN shown in the 1840 census for Norfolk with one male under 30.

21.   ABEL LEWELLING in 1850 census as age 76 (1774), farmer, wife Sarah 61, Sarah A 20, Charles B 20, Eliza 18, Laura 10, Richard Lee 15 and Ann Kilgore 30.

I won't go any further.