Quaker Records, Loudoun Co VA
Billie Harris - Nov 30, 2011
Posting on GenForum:
Church records of Loudoun Co, Va
Posted by: Pat O'Dell (ID *****2452) Date: October 15, 2008 at 06:42:47
of 324
Society of Friends, Fairfax Monthly Meeting
1759 Oct Deborah Lewellen, formerly Burson, produced a paper condemning her outgoing in marriage
1760 Oct 23 Marriage of Benjamin Burson and Ann Roberts: among witnesses were Shadrick Lewelin and Thos Lewillin
1762 Jul Deborah Lewellin, formerly Burson, did in the 9th month 1759 condemn her outgoings, which is now accepted.
1762 Dec 16 Marriage of John Conard and Elizabeth Potts: among witnesses were Shadrick Lewellin and Deborah Lewellin
1772 Jan 08 Marriage of Benjamin Burson and Hannah Young: among witnesses was Thos Llewellen
1772 Nov 30 Shelburne vestry lays levy on Shadrach Lewellen for supporting Rachel Miller, 3 months? 425 pounds of tobacco
1774 Dec 20 Shelburne vestry lays levy on Shadrach Lleuellin of 1304 pounds of tobacco
1776 Aug Shadrach Lewellen and children Isaac, Anne, Margaret, Mesheck, Deborah, Mary and Hannah received into membership
1778 Jun Rachel Lane {Lewellen} requests membership
1778 Jul Friends appointed to visit Rachel Lawellin and report is now safe to grant request
1779 Sep Complaint against Rachel Lewellen for having an illegitimate child
1785 Feb 10 Goose Creek Monthly Meeting Shadraach Luellen buried 10 Feb 1785 Goose Creek Graveyard
1785 Jul Deborah Lewellen and 6 children in their minority: Masheck, Deborah, Mary, Hannah, Shadrack, and Sarah; also daughters Ann and Margaret, who are of age, request certificates [to move]
1785 Aug 27 Hopewell Monthly Meeting - Margaret Lewellin is about to remove and settle west of the Allegania Mts and is clear of marriage engagements
1785 Jul Isaac Lewallen requests certificate to Hopewell Monthly Meeting
1785 Dec Certificate to Westland Monthly Meeting was produced for Isaac Lewellen
1785 Dec 24 Fairfax Monthly Meeting - Deborah Lewellin and her five children Deborarh, Mary, Hannah, Shadrack and Sarah to Westland Monthly Meeting
1786 Oct Rachel Hatfield, formerly Lewellin, condemned her breach of chastity
These entries are from: Early Church Record of Loudoun County, Virginia, 1745 - 1800 by Marty Hiatt
Landy Gobes - Dec 1, 2011
Thanks for posting these records from Loudoun Co, Billie! I wonder if there are any other records specific to the Goose Creek Monthly Meeting or any earlier records from Quakers in this part of Virginia. Has anyone ever seen such or have ideas of where I could look?
Thanks, Landy Gobes
Billie Harris - Dec 1, 2011
I haven't come across any. Hopefully someone else has. I know you posted a picture of the meeting house in the Photos section. Is there a Loudoun map that would show where the meeting house was/is, or do you know?
Landy Gobes - Dec 3, 2011
Yes, the Goose Creek Meeting House is in the town of Lincoln in Loudoun County. You can see it on the map in our website files named "Property of Shadrack and Thomas Lewellen." Lincoln is named as a town in the colored part of the map, and you can see where Thomas's property was. The meeting house was close. On a map of VA, Lincoln is halfway between Leesburg and the point that the state lines make to the west of Leesburg.
Billie Harris - Dec 3, 2011
I missed that when I checked. But noting how close James John lived, I've extracted what we have on him:
1759 - Indenture 7/8 May 1759 between Bernard Young of County Loudoun and Thomas Lewellin and James John, Yeoman of same county by deed 233 acres. 150 pounds va. Money paid by Lewellin and John. [p.27: Virginia County Court Records: Loudoun County, Virginia, Deeds 1757-1762. Ruth Sparacio, 1987]
1765 - At a court held 12th August 1765 .. Bill of Sale proved ., ordered to be recorded.
Indenture made 9th/10th August 1765 between JAMES JOHN of county Loudoun and MARY his wife and THOMAS LEWELLEN of said county and SUSANNAH his wife of one part and THOMAS PURSLEY of same county .. Whereas there is a certain parcel of land situate in county Loudoun on Drains of Kittocton bounded .. beginning at a stake in a line of Colo, Fairfax .. to a stake corner to JONAS POTTS land .. corner to James John and Thomas Lewellen .. containing 116 1/2 acres of land. Now This Indenture Witnesseth that James John and Mary his wife and Thomas Lewellen and Susannah his wife for sum One Hundred and ten pounds current money of Virginia .. by deeds of lease & release .. sold said 116 1/2 acres of land situate bounded and being as is above set forth and described ..
James x John Mary x John
Thomas Lewellen Susanah x Lewellen
[Loudoun County Deed Book D (Part II), pp562-566]
[p88: Virginia County Court Records: Deed Abstracts of Loudoun County Virginia 1762-1765. Ruth and Sam Sparacio. McLean, VA, 1987]
That appears to be the last mention of the Lewallens and the Johns together in documents.
But to look at everything for Loudoun, click on this:
[NOTE: broken link]
I have no doubt but what Shadrach and Thomas weren't from the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Lewallens. If you'll look at this site, you'll see not only the Lewallens but the Youngs, Bursons and Johns in Phila. as well as Lewallens...and these were all Quaker families. Shad's father wouldn't have been Morris or Griffith because their Wills don't show a Thomas or a Shadrach. Could it have been David? But one way or the other, they were all somehow related. I only wish we could trace the lineage of one of these individuals down so we could try to get a DNA.
[NOTE:broken link]
Carol Redd - Dec 15, 2011
Billie, Landy and Clete
I have the Quaker Collection on CD and will try to look over the weekend to see what I can find.
Mary Parker has sparked my thoughts again about the exact matching of her John Llewelleyn who immigrated to PA in 1834 at the age of 21 (b 1813) and my suspected John Lewallen's father, William L. (b 1809 TN). This seems to suggest to me that they might possibly have shared a common grandfather (b 1760-1770s) or gr. grandfather (b 1740-1750s) and probably b Wales. We might do well to focus on all the Llewellyns who migrated from the same port as Mary's John Llewellyn from 1830-1834.
Billie, of particular interest in your post are the names Griffith and Burson. I can't help be be drawn to make some sort of connection w/ Griffith Lewallen in light of the fact that Joseph Griffith, b Oct 22 1758 in MD was the son of Isaac GRIFFITH (b 1721 PA) and Ann BURSON. I haven't traced Isaac Griffith back further since I learned that my ancestors were of Lewallen DNA and that would seem to make Joseph Griffith not a blood relative. Still, there seems to be some Llewellyn connection with the name of Griffith, and we shouldn't ignore the obvious!
Joseph Griffith was MY Fielding SEXTON's mother's father. They lived close to William L. Lewallen in Morgan Co, TN.
The following is a link I read early in my search, before knowing of the Lewallen dna, for Fielding Sexton's maternal line of Griffith. It shows a connection between Llewellyns, Griffiths and OWENS, too! It's a lot to digest, but one comment early in the document is a warning that those w/ the same surname who even lived in the same communities were not even remotely related.
Of particular interest in this very lengthy post:
In the following pedigree care has been exercised in proving each definite statement, and no
research has been spared to accomplish this, but the data obtainable regarding some generations are meager and out of proportion to the labor involved in arriving at conclusions, such conclusions, indeed, being frequently the result of an exhaustive investigation of many branches of the some family. Especial caution must be always exercised in Welsh pedigrees for the reason that the Welsh, for a long time, had no surnames, the custom being for the children to take their father's baptismal name for their surname, and even so late as the end of the Seventeenth Century, fixed surnames were first beginning to be in general use.
It will be noted that in this pedigree it was not until after the removal of the three brothers to
Pennsylvania that the name Griffith or Griffiths, which in Welsh is spelled Gruffydd and should be written in English without the final S, became established as a permanent surname among their descendants, so that Welsh families bearing the same name and residing in the same county, are not necessarily even remotely related to each other.
In the course of this investigation, however, a great many trustworthy family traditions and some statements which former generations have recorded as family history, have been completely verified in a remarkable manner, but the pedigree here recorded rests entirely upon the descent of land, wills, and other official documents as cited, and has been prepared at the request and sole expense of Foster C. Griffith, of Trenton, NJ. The information herein presented relating to descendants of the three brothers has been contributed by members of the family. [End quote]
I'm going to see if I can locate one of Fielding's descendants and get a dna test on him. This will help to determine if Fielding actually carries Sexton dna or possibly Llewellyn dna. IF it turns out to be Lewallen dna as John Preston Sexton's has, then we have to look back to Fielding's father, William Sexton, and locate another of his son's descendants.
Billie Harris - Dec 16, 2011
I know I've said this before a thousand times, but it would be so helpful if we could get a descendant of Shadrach and Deborah (Burson) Lewellen's to do a DNA, but so far, we haven't traced the line down close enough that we can find one of the descendants to even approach.
Carol Redd - Dec 18, 2011
I was entrenched in the 1700s with Lewellyns of PA/VA today, but did not manage to trace one forward. What I know is this...
1) Mary's John Llewellyn immigrant to the U.S. from South Wales in 1832(??)
2) Angie and Rob's Sarah "Sally" Carter (1800? Bedford Co, VA) gave birth to two sons fathered by a Lewallen
3) My John Preston Sexton (1859 Morgan Co, TN) was fathered by a Lewallen of Morgan Co, TN
4) Your Wiley Lewallen (1799 NC) > Calvin Lewallen (1823 NC) >
5) Cindy's James Lewallen b 1853 Cherokee Co, AL, s/o Calvin Lewallen (1823 NC)
...are all related.
You're very intent on Shadrach and Deborah (Burson) (1737 PA) Lewellyn, but above you say you don't believe Shadrach was from the PA Lewellyns. Yet, in one place I read that is where Deborah Burson moved to and married Shadrach Lewellyn who was not a Quaker. Still, their children and she are mentioned often in the Quaker records.
Deborah Burson's brother, Benjamin, married Ann Roberts.
Deborah's sister, Rachel Burson, married Isaac Griffith (b 1721 PA), Fielding Sexton's GR. grandfather! So, even though there was 138 years between Isaac Griffith and his gr. grandson Fielding Sexton, the family ties still seem to bind. The Lewellyns who were living in and around the Griffiths in PA and later in VA, must surely be the same line.
Now to find the granddaddy of us all!
Billie Harris - Dec 19, 2011
Cindy's James Lewallen was a son of Calvin and Calvin was son of Wiley so we're from the same line.
Landy Gobes - Dec 20, 2011
Carol, I am sure Billie will clarify for herself, but I believe she was saying that Shadrack did not come from Eastern PA to Virginia. When the VA Lewellens moved west from Loudoun Co, VA they moved to the area that is now northern WV and southwestern PA. The state line was not settled for years. My ancestor, John Lewellen, married Caty Duvall whose parents lived near the state line. Their property went back and forth from PA to WV in the records. It ended up in PA.
Thank you for showing the DNA connections!
Also, I think Rachel was Deborah's oldest daughter rather than her sister. Is that correct, Billie?
Thanks, Landy
Billie Harris - Dec 20, 2011
Landy, you are correct.
The mother of Deborah Burson Lewallen was Rachel (Potts) Burson and Deborah did name her daughter after her mother. Rachel Lewallen married Abel Janney and moved to Montgomery County then Wayne County, Ohio. The Janneys were Quakers, I believe before Abel even married Rachel.
I think I may have a clue on where one of the sons of Shad and Deborah moved to and can possibly trace the line down some. Will see.
Carol Redd - Dec 20, 2011
Thanks for clarifying that for me. According to my husband, I am the queen of double negatives so I should have been able to correctly interpret Billie's stmt that she has no doubt that Shad and Thomas weren't from the PA Lewellens!
As to Rachel being a sister of Deborah Burson, and daughter of Rachel (Potts) Burson...
Per the Quaker records:
8/25/1753 Joseph Burson and three children, Rachel, Benjamin, and Deborah moved to Buckingham MM, PA
Joseph Jr., an adult, same day.
I realize y'all might not be interested in the Griffiths, but I believe they may hold more keys to our Morgan Co, TN Lewallens than anyone as yet has realized.
Joseph Griffith (s/o Isaac and Rachel Ann (Burson) Griffith) was grandfather of Fielding Sexton who raised my John P. as his own son. Remember that John P's dna is Lewallen (most likely the biological child of John (1832) Lewallen, s/o William and Rachel (Wallace) Lewallen and Mary Ann Steward (t) of Morgan Co, TN)
I extrapolated from info about Ann (Roberts) Burson's marriage to Isaac Griffith, that Isaac MUST have first been married to Rachel Burson. The Quaker records disapproved of Isaac and Ann's marriage because they were considered to be brother/sister due to their marriages to brother (Benjamin Burson's - Ann's first husband) and sister (Rachel Burson - Isaac's first wife).
From Quaker records Fairfax MM, VA:
Ann Burson, a wd, rpd med to Isaac GRIFFITH, a widower 27-11-1773; they had proposed m with each other to the mtg but as the mtg considered them brother & sister by Affinity, she being the wd of his form w's brother, the m was disapproved; she was d 28-5-1774 (See Isaac GRIFFITH)
Isaac GRIFFTH (pg 498) Isaac's ch by his former wife, viz: Joseph, John & James, were recf Gunpowder MM, MD 25-6-1774; Fairfax MM returned Isaac's cert to Gunpowder MM for action & he was dis by that Meeting; in 1781 he asked for rst which was approved by the QM and he was recf Funpowder MM 22-12-1781.
(Altho he had been living at Fairfax, he belonged to Gunpowder)
Note: Isaac Griffith's 1st wife was also named Ann; they had 11 ch. viz: Abraham, Hannah, Mary, Ann, Sarah, Joseph, Martha, Elizabeth, Isaac, John & James.) (Isaac & Ann [BURSON] Griffith & their 11 ch. were recf Richland MM, Pa. by Gunpowder MM, Md., dated 24-5-1769; there is no clue to the maiden name of Ann BURSON (widow) who m 2nd 1773 Isaac GRIFFITH above, whose 1st wife as Ann BURSON.
NOW... this raises an interesting question for me. 2nd wife Ann was listed as being Ann Roberts when she married Benjamin Burson in PA. But, by the time they get to Fairfax MM, "there is no clue to the maiden name".
I should NOT have gotten involved with this today, so I'm going to make myself quit and get some work done! Perhaps my ramblings will trigger something for someone else.