Kay McKinnon - Aug 3, 2009

The daughters of Hugh Luallen/Lewallen - Martha and   Mary- each married Woffords.
Martha (wife of Joseph)   died 1826 in S.C. and Mary (wife of Benjamin) died 1817 in Alabama.

Martha and Joseph had a son Benjamin (named after Joseph's brother) who became the Rev. Wofford that sent Martha's obit (posted on this site) to the paper & started Wofford college.

Benjamin Sr ( bro of Joseph) & Ben's wife Mary Luallen's son Benjamin Jr . married Martha Llewellyn who was supposed to be the daughter of a Jefferson Llewellyn brother of Martha & Mary who married the Wofford brothers.     Ben Sr died 1816 Madison co Al  
This is the family of   Gladys Armstrong see: http://members.aol.com/bert1310/WOFFORD.html

Benjamin Wofford Jr was born in S.C., lived in Madison County, AL, then moved to Mississippi and died in Tippah County 1854.   He and 25 other Woffords are listed in 1850 Tippah Co., census. ndx-we-z.txt  

His wife listed is Elizabeth M . Is the "M" for Martha as reported on p.30 of   Judge Zelma Price's "From whom I came,From Whence I Came..." ?

3 Woffords listed in Madison Co AL 1830 Census   Tippah Co MS 1840 had 6 Woffords and 1 Lieuallen   Tippah Co MS 1850 lists 22 Lewellyns@ndx-hu-l.txt

Billie Harris - Aug 3, 2009

Kay, do you know how we can get in touch with Gladys.   The Hometown sites have all be closed down.

Perhaps someone else could help us on this.   Kay and I have corresponded and I haven't been able to find a Jefferson Luallen who's supposed to be a brother of Mary and Martha.   Do any of you have any information on Jefferson?

Kay McKinnon - Aug 16, 2009

Judy Wostal - Aug 12, 2009  
   Gladys Marie Stovall Armstrong passed away in 2007.

With her research and publications and her willingness to
share, she was a tremendous help to a lot of people,
especially in Louisiana and Texas.

Resa Miller - Aug 20, 2009

You can use this to find page that are no longer in existance.   You just have to use the original address.   It already has the http:   so don't use both or it won't work.   It will give you different date that it was archived and you just have to click on a date.   I usually use the most currant date.

Resa Miller - Aug 20, 2009

Here is one I just did and it worked for me.   I just thought this is great to be able to find old web pages.