Debbie Garrett - Jul 29, 2008

I don't get out to the libraries and courthouses that much. However, I do have the Banks County Cemetery Book copy right 2000 and I have a copy of the Madison County Cemetery book copy right 1986 that I can do look ups. I also just got for a trial basis right now. So let me know if I can look up anything.   I have 5 kids and don't always get to sign on to the site here so you can email me at and I'll get back to you sooner as it's checked often.

Billie Harris - Jul 29, 2008

Debbie, many thanks for the offer.   I've let my subscription to Ancestry expire so I may take you up on your offer.

Debbie Garrett - Jul 29, 2008

okay ! I just got it the other day but I got it on a monthly basic. I wanted to be sure I'd have the time to use it as well. I thought with school starting back this would be a good time to try it out. So far I get to use it late at night after the kids have gone to bed. I'm looking forward to school starting back next week.

Bill Crawford - Jul 30, 2008

I'll also be glad to help with lookups when I can. As much as costs, I like to get my money's worth. LOL...