Charles City County Court Orders, 1664-1665

Sheila Wingate - Aug 16, 2010

Page 505. Certeficat is granted to Curtis Land for his right to 800 acres of Land proved in
Court for 10 persons imported vidzt

Will Coleby                                       Hannah Greene
THOS LLEWELLYN                             Bishopp Sheppard
Maudlin                                             Sara Stills
Tho Stone                                         Maria Aston  
Abram Storey                                     Maria Sheward

and six persons assigned by Mr. Hamelin out of a Certificat on record vizt:

         Sam:   Henrick                       Tho:   Perun
         Ste:   Persian                       Tho: Richmond
         Sam: Moses                           Michaell Talin

Also on the page this was the next article... it has no bearing on the family history.. but is
really interesting....

Page 505.   Itt is ordered that Barbara the wife of Tho:Hux (for severall uncivill cariages
appeling to the Court by proffe, be forthw'th conveyed by the Sherr officer to the
whipping post, and there punished w'th 20 lashes on her bare back.

Note:   This woman may indeed have been a terror up and down the river, but even so, it
is impossible at this date to imagine such brutality.   The judges convict themselves.  
Bland, Drew, Wyatt, Wynne, Holmvood, Hamelin, Capt. Edward Hill (of course0, Southcott
and Grey (also of course).

And by way of byproduct note the following valuable item of the period:

                                       That Every one will Buy from you,
                                             be what it may.
Take a twig of a wisp wherewith a person has been lashed.   Make small ring and wind red
silk around it, and put it on your finger.   If you wish to sell anything, it will be paid for as
you desire.

The next piece is an extract from SC Gazette 1732-1735

Runaway from John Reynolds, Carpenter near the French Church in Charlestown a young
fellow about 19 named JONATHAN LEWELLEN.   He had on when he went away 3 coats, 2
shirts, one pair on Ozenbrigs and one pair of leather breeches, a pair of stockings, 1 pair
of pumps and a pair of shoes, one of the coats in white Dowlas, the other a whitish
colored cloth and the other a dark colored cotton, L5 reward offered by John Reynolds.

The article above I thought might refer to a possible Lewallen family member...