Landy Gobes - Jan 8, 2011

Billie, I have something I can post.   Because it is unverified family legend, I have used it as a pointer to research rather than The Truth.   But oral family history should also not be ignored.

My grandfather was born in Preble Co, OH and his mother's father's mother was Martha Lewellen, daughter of John Lewellen who died there in 1827.

Tracing his land records and the birth of his children I know that John and his wife Catharine Eleanor Duvall were in KY before OH, and they were near the Cheat River at the   WV/PA border before that.   The Duvall parents lived there.   John served in the Rev War from PA.

That is all I can document.   But here is a copy of the family legend.   This came to me in 2003 from Bob and Gloria Schutz from Patricia Claussen, 3398 Snow Peak Place, Lebanon, OR 97355, received from her grandmother.

"The Lewellen family is of Welch origin and are the descendants of the once crowned heads of Wales in the direct line from King Charles of that nation.

The first that came to America in its first settling were three brothers whose names were Thomas, Shad and Mashac Lewellen.   The name originally was spelled Lewellyn.

Thomas, the oldest, married a German lady whose maiden name was Wilks but she had married a man by the name of Jones and he had died.   To the union of Widow Jones and Thomas Lewellen there were born seven sons.   Their names were Thomas, Philip, John, Samuel, Dennis, Frank and Doctor.

John, the third son married a lady by the name of Eleanor Deval.   Her father was a Frenchman.   They lived for a short time in Loudoun Co, Virginia and moved to Preble Co, Ohio.   To this union there were born nine children, six boys and three girls.   The girls names were Patsy, Cathrin and Sarah.   The boys names were Philip, Thomas, Dennis, Louis, Samuel and Daniel.   The youngest married a lady by the name of Ruth Allen and to this union there were born seven children, two girls and five boys.   Their names were William, Nancy, Charles, Dennis, Ellen, Samuel and Isaac.   This family moved to Howard, Indiana."

Bob said there is one more paragraph about Charles Lewellen who married Elizabeth Wilks and had 13 children.   I do not have that.

Most people today think that the widow Jones married Samuel Lewellen, but in the 15 years I have been searching I have found many queries entitled "Samuel or Thomas."

I have concluded, as I have posted here, based on the tithing record in Loudoun Co, VA that Thomas was the father of my John, but I have nothing to prove that.   However, the tithing records do confirm the legend in one way.   John tithed there two years, 1774 and 1775, both in the household of Thomas Sr, was gone and then tithed again in 1779. In that year both John and Doctor were living in the household of Thomas Sr.   John would have been back from the war and married in 1779.

I SO wish that a male descendent of Doctor and a male descendent of John of Preble Co would do DNA testing.

Back to the legend, what about the three brothers?   (Every family legend has three brothers according to genealogist Hank Z. Jones.)   Does that fit with anything we know?

Landy Gobes
West Hartford, CT

Billie Harris - Jan 8, 2011

Landy, I wish there was someone to do a DNA, too.

Thomas was either the brother to, or father of, Shadrack, the one in Loudoun County.   In fact, Shadrach may have had a father Thomas and a brother by that name, too.   I don't see a Meshac mentioned in Loudoun County.

Look at Loudoun County and see what you think from documented records.   It does appear Thomas' wife was Quaker and we know Shadrach married Deborah Burson and the Bursons were Quakers.   .
[NOTE: broken link]

Is it possible Shadrach had brothers Abednego and Isaac?   Check Davidson County, Tennessee.
[NOTE: broken link]

Then go through Pennsylvania and see if you can find anything new.   The Bursons lived in PA.
[NOTE: broken link]

If you can piece any of this together, or have questions, would you please post them.

Landy Gobes - Jan 9, 2011

In looking through my files I found the date of Shadrack Lewellen's death - can't remember if I sent it - 10 Feb 1785.   I know I told you he was buried in Goose Creek Graveyard.

Landy Gobes - Jan 9, 2011

I have been looking through my files.   One internet poster has the Shadrack Lewellan, son of Jesse Lewellyn and Annie Owens, b about 1736 in Frederick or Loudoun Co as the husband of Deborah Burson.

According to this person (no documentation), Jesse is b 1689 in Frederick Co, VA d 1778.   His father was Thomas b 1640 in Wales d 1732 in VA.

A different person has Shadrack, Meshack, and Abendago as sons of Jesse Lewellyn and Annie Owens.

Is there any documentation for any of this?   Are these men connected to both the southern Lewallens and the PA, WV, OH Lewellens?


Billie Harris - Jan 9, 2011

Landy, do you know if there's any information substantiating that Jesse Lewellyn married Annie Owens?   What information do we have on Annie?   Is it possible she was a widow?

Landy Gobes - Jan 10, 2011

No, there is no documentation listed.   Below is one of the internet offerings:

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 1


1. Shadrach L LEWELLEN was born ABT 1736 in Frederick or Loundon County, Virginia, and died ABT 1785. He was the son of 2. Jesse LEWELLYN and 3. Annie OWENS. He married Deborah BURSON ABT 1762 in Loundon County, Virginia, daughter of Joseph BURSON and Rachel POTTS. She was born ABT 1738 in near Philadelphia, PA, and died ABT 1800.  


Ahnentafel, Generation No. 2


2. Jesse LEWELLYN was born ABT 1689 in probably Virginia.  

3. Annie OWENS.  

Children of Annie OWENS and Jesse LEWELLYN are:

   i. Meshach LEWELLEN.
   ii. Abednego LEWELLEN.
1.   iii. Shadrach L LEWELLEN was born ABT 1736 in Frederick or Loundon County, Virginia, and died ABT 1785. He married Deborah BURSON ABT 1762 in Loundon County, Virginia, daughter of Joseph BURSON and Rachel POTTS. She was born ABT 1738 in near Philadelphia, PA, and died ABT 1800.  

I'll look for the other one - it goes further back.     Landy

Sue Cooper - Jan 8, 2011

Good to see some activity even if I don't have any answers. (sorry)   Just reminding everyone, we are still diligently searching for parents of Aaron Lewallen, b ca 1797 and his bro. Elijah, ba ca 1799 in NC.   Both young boys enlisted in the War of 1812 in Nashville,TN.   Aaron married Sallie Young 1819 in Williamson Co., TN.   They lived in Maury Co., TN but by 1840 Sallie was living in Giles Co., TN with the children.   Did Aaron really die in 1846 in the Nashville Asylum as the family story says or is he the Aaron who shows up in MO and married Elizabeth Harper in 1853, dying ca 1873 in Phelps Co., MO as his War of 1812 pension claims?   What about Claiborne Lewallen who also lived in Maury Co., TN; is he the father of Aaron and Elijah?   Like everyone else, so many questions.   Wishing everyone a great New Year and hoping we all find the answers to our genealogical questions!!   Thanks for any input.

Joseph R. Jones - Jan 9, 2011

Billie, Kentucky Pioneers is online but hard to navigate, and when I tried to locate the county from which the marriages came, I found Madison, but that may be my error.   It looks as if you already had these in your files, so the information is at least available.   Joe

Darlene Luallen Griffin - Jan 9, 2011

As all of you know, I am trying to find parents/siblings for my Matthew Lewallen, born abt 1821 in TN.   Matthew married Sarah Lawson in 1841 in Campbell County (later to become Scott County).   Sarah was the daughter of Thomas Lawson.   So I decided to look at the 1840 census for Campbell County to see if Lawsons & Lewallens were neighbors.   One of Thomas' neighbors is a John Louallen.   His household consists of 2 males under the age of 5, 1 male 5-10 years, 1 male 20-30 years, 1 female under the age of, and 1 female 20-30 years of age.   Does anyone know who this John Louallen is?

Mary  Hubbell - Jan 10, 2011

Darlene -   I think we're obviously dealing with the same group of Lewellens considering the Lawson connection.

The John Louallen you ask about sounds like the John Lewellen family, father of Anderson, "Cash Up" Lewellen.

In 1840 they would have had the following living at home which fits the census:
John b. 1812 (20-30)
Delilah b. 1815 (20-30)
Isaac James b. 1834 (5-10)
Anderson S. b. 1836 (<5)
Elizabeth b. 1837 (<5)
Campbell County b. 1839 (<5)

As for Matthew Lewellen, Let's take a step back so we can see where Thomas Lawson's wife fits into the 'Lewellen' scheme of things (I assume you know these connections already. If not, they might have a clue for you.)

Thomas Lawson's wife was Nancy Jeffers.
Her sister was Lakie/Lakey Jeffers who was married to Allen McDonald.
Their daughters, Sarah and Nancy, married Anderson "Cash Up" Lewellen.

Allen must have been quite the enchanter. Not only did he and Lacey have 7 recorded children, intermixed he also had at least two illegitimate sons.
Emsley's mother was Juda/Judy Jeffers - Lakie's sister.  
Daniel's mother was Phariba Jeffers - connection not found yet.

In December 1849, Lakie died. Allen was married again by 25 December 1849 - to Christine Lawson, daughter of Thomas Lawson! She was 18 and he was 46!! Christina was Lakey's niece, younger sister of your Sarah Lawson.

In May 1851, Daniel Jeffers is ordered bound to Allen McDonald until he is 21.
In August 1851, Allen is once in court being charged with bastardy but in this case, he was determined not guilty.

Allen died during the Civil War in 1862 - at the Andrew Lawson home.

I shared this tale about Allen to point out that the people in this extended family weren't perfect. Maybe the reason you are having so much trouble finding a Lewellen family that Matthew belongs to is because there isn't one.

You asked about John, he would have been too young to have been Matthew's father, however, here are his siblings:

Zachariah b @ 1785 - death date/place unknown
Willy           b @ 1786 - married 1830 in Madison Co., TN
Anderson b @ 1786 - last son born in Roane or Morgan county, TN
Thomas     b @1788 - death date/place unknown
Rebecca   b @ 1793 - death date/place unknown
Andrew     b Oct 1793 - died 1873 in Scott County, TN (Shad)
Alexander b 1795 - died 1880 Sevier County, TN
Wiley       b @ 1795 - 1850/60 census has him living in Cherokee County, Alabama; died TX
Mary "Polly" b @ 1802 - married Michael Robbins. locations unknown.
Joel         b Jun 1803 - died 1892 Scott County, TN. burried at Hughett cemetery
William   b. Aug 1809 - died 1897 Knox County, TN
(Considering there is a William and a Willy who both married in 1830, I wonder if one of these males don't belong in this group?)

With the exception of William, all of them are old enough to have had Matthew, married or not. I'd check the married ones first - see what the name of the spouse's father is. If none of them show up with a Matthew, I'd consider the two girls and see if you can find a younger child showing up on the 1830 census. mary Ann

Billie Harris - Jan 10, 2011

I'm not so sure about Wiley who was born 1795.   He's my ancestor.   He was born 1795/6 in North Carolina, not Tennessee.   So far, researchers haven't been able to connect him except through DNA so we don't know where the connection is.   I'm pretty sure he was probably from Wake County, N.C.   He moved into Tennessee, then Alabama, then Texas which seemed to be the same places others who descend from Anderson Lewallen also lived - but at different times.   I've questioned whether he was the son of Jesse Lewallen and Anderson seems to have had a brother by that name as well as a son by that name but more research has to be done to fit him in with any of the families.

The unfortunate thing is, the 12 marker DNA of Mathew's descendant doesn't match with any of the Lewallens who've tested so far.   It's being upgraded and the results should be back about the 19th of this month.

Darlene Luallen Griffin - Jan 10, 2011

Thanks.   I will try your suggestions.   The Lawson/Lewallens do have a colorful history.   After Allen Mcdonald died, Christine Lawson married Greenberry Boling who eventually seems to have married half of Scott County.   Christine divorced Greenberry (one Lawson researcher told me he apparently was abusive).   After Matthew Lewallen died abt 1852, Sarah along with her parents and children (my great grandfather Elihu) moved to Missouri.   After the Civil War, Sarah returned to Scott County where she married her sister's ex-husband Greenberry Boling and had a son Stokes.   By the time Stokes is 12, Sarah has died and Greenberry (Berry) has remarried a Pherbia Byrge who is a widow with children.   Stokes grows up and marries his stepsister.   Sarah & Christine did not speak for several years but were reconciled before Sarah's death.   By comparison, my life is extremely calm!   Again, thanks for the suggestions.

Mary  Hubbell - Jan 11, 2011

Poor Christine - sounds like she married one guy who had married half of Scott County and one who had fathered the other half.

I just love black sheep stories like this!

Darlene Luallen Griffin - Jan 11, 2011

Ha!   Mary, I like your humor!

Mary  Hubbell - Jan 12, 2011

Anyone that descends from this line could probably join the Black Sheep Society.

Resa Miller - Jan 12, 2011

My only direct ancestor, that wasn't married got pregnant by Andrew Russell Lewallen, Andrew married his 1st   cousin that he also got pregnant.   Just goes to show blood is thicker than water. LOL

Carol Redd - Jan 13, 2011


I feel right at home with you guys!   My John Preston Sexton was fathered by some Lewallen, but who knows which one?   My suspicion is that John Lewallen (1836 TN) who md Elizabeth Elmirah Shannon and moved to Knox Co.   I think this is Richard's John - right??  

John and Elmirah married in Dec 1859 I believe.   This was just a few months after John Preston Sexton was born.   So, John was certainly an eligible bachelor when John Preston was conceived.   And, it's believed that John Preston's mother was Mary Ann Stewart who eventually married Fielding Sexton and had many children by him.   Since she was living next door or a few houses away from John and Elmira Lewallen, it seems all the more plausible to me.   Still, sheer speculation at this point.

Things that make you go hmmmm!

Mary Cobb - Jan 16, 2011

I have been researching Abner Lewallen as you wrote he might be the father of My line Sarah Lewallen Cooney.   I haven't been able to confirm this yet.   I also don't have a death certificate or obit for Sarah and she died just 30 miles from where I live.   Does anyone have new ideas on how to look for her death certificate?   Mi began the birth, marriage and death records in 1867.   Sarah died in 1872.
Thanks for this great website !
Mary Cobb

Mary Cobb - Mar 8, 2011

Does anyone have a Abner LEWALLEN line born in 1779 in New Jersey?   He is married to Mary.   I find them on the 1820 Census of Columbia, Butler, Ohio   also on 1850 in Lexington, Stark co. Ohio     Abner & Mary both born in 1779 in New Jersey
There is also another Abner Lewallen on 1840 census in Lexington, Stark co. Ohio

BUT the oldest male & female are from ages 20 - 29.   This may be Abner Jr.   as in my Barger line I have a Martin VanBuren Barger married to Eliza Jane Lewallen
born   1843 Stark Co. Ohio   daughter of Abner and Nancy Lewallen.