John S. Llewellyn 1813 Wales to PA in 1834

Carol Redd - Jul 31, 2011

I'm posting an email exchange between Mary Parker (Dan Llewellyn's sister) and myself in hopes others can contribute their thoughts.   Since we have a large group now including myself (Sexton) and the Carters as matching Lewallens/Llewellyn's, and Mary's John Lllewellyn is the most recent arrival to the US, we have the opportunity to connect to yet another branch of Llewellyn's all DNA proven to be of the same line.   We're all cousins, just thru which son and how far back?

Please read and contribute whatever you can to the discussion.

Thanks, Carol


Thanks for sending me the direct link to the death cert/ naturalization.   Have you posted in on the MyFamily site?   If not, please share with the group.   This is the only way we'll all get all of our dots connected.   I'm posting our emails to the group so we can all see how our dots connect.   In that your John came over from Wales in 1834, and your brother's dna matches mine and the Carters results, we now have more info to connect even more Llewellyns.

I notice you don't have the 1840 census for John and Catherin (Kahley) Llewelleyn.   I have located an interesting possibility.   Don't know if you've seen this before or not, but...

Morris Llewellyn, in Lower Merion, Montgomery Co, PA has a young couple in their 20s, and one female child under the age of 5 which might very well be John and Catherine and Sarah (1838).
Name:   Morris Llewellyn
Township:   Lower Merion
County:   Montgomery
State:   Pennsylvania
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29:   1
Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59:   1 (b 1781-1790)
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5:   1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29:   1
Total - All Persons (Free White, Free Colored, Slaves):   4
Persons Employed in Manufacture and Trade:   2
Free White Persons - Under 20:   1
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49:   2
Total Free White Persons:   4
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves:   4

There is only one county in between Schuylkill and Montgomery.

Other Llewellyns in Schuylkill Co, PA 1840
Pg 1 L Lewellen
Pg 9   Edward LLewellen
but your John and Catherine don't fit in these households.

Have you explored Morris Llewellyn before?

1850 Germantown, Philadelphia Co, PA shows a younger Morris Lllewellyn.
Morris Llewellyn (b 1800)
Sarah Llewellyn   35
George Llewellyn   7
Rebecca Llewellyn   6
Anna M Llewellyn   5
Ariadne Llewellyn   3
Morris N Llewellyn   1

In Vol III Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania (found on Ancestry when I searched on Morris Llewellyn 1780 +/- 10 years)

At a Council held At Philadelphia, 22 Novr. 1723

On the petition of sundry Inhabitants...; And on another Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Counties of Chester & Philada. to the same purpose, both read.   Ordered That William Davies, Caleb Evan and Evan Evans of Radnor, Hugh Huges, Thomas Morgan, Morris Lllewellyn, & William Havard of Merrion, Evan Hughes and John David of East Town, do view the said Land & lay out a Road from William Paschal's, in Whitland, (following the most commodious Courses for the public) to the Sweded Ford upon Schuylkill, and to make return thereof to this Board in Sex weeks at the furthest.

This shows us that Morris Llewellyn was present in PA as early as 1723.   Certainly, he's not the one we find in the 1840 Montgomery Co, PA census, but Morris is quite a distinctive name, and so he must surely descend from the same group of Llewellyns.   While your John is shown as coming from Wales to America in 1834, if we can find other evidence that this young couple living w/ Morris in 1840 is YOUR ancestor, then we have another piece of the puzzle.

I'm on a deadline for Monday and have quite a bit to accomplish, so I'll have to wait until maybe next week sometime before I can play genealogist.   I'm worse than a drunk - once I step my toe into the gene pool, I nearly drown before coming up for air!   Another person from one of my lines called yesterday and I was in the pool for nearly 2 hours!   Ouch - didn't help my work get done.   Now, I've gone and done it again.   But, it's sooooo much fun!

Please let me know if you've explored this Morris Llewellyn.   I think he looks like a good candidate for being John's father or uncle.


--- On Sat, 7/30/11, Mary Parker <> wrote:

   From: Mary Parker <>
   Subject: P.S. re: Dan Llewellyn extended DNA results
   To: "Carol Redd" <>
   Date: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 3:36 PM

   I emailed Kim and hope she will post the papers.   (Her husband Dennis is the Llewellyn.   I have a brother named Dennis, Dan's identical twin.)

   I'm speculating about possibilities for John S. Llewellyn's middle name and the names of his parents.   His son John had a son named Senes Llewellyn.   That might be the "S".   John S. and Catherine Kahley Llewellyn had 12 children.   Daughter Maria was named for Catherine's mother.   The oldeset daughter was Sarah, not a name in Catherine's family, so I think it may have been John's mother.   The oldest son was Adam, Catherine's father's name.   The next   son was George (my gr-grandfather), possibly John S. Llewellyn's father's name, or his grandfather's name.   The third son was Thomas, also a possible name for his father.


   -----Original Message-----
   From: Carol Redd <>
   Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 1:36 PM
   To: Mary Parker <>
   Subject: Re: Dan Llewellyn extended DNA results


   We are all Llewellyn's.   My dna doesn't match the Sextons, Carter's dna doesn't match the Carters, either.   My family story always supported that my gr. grandfather, John Preston was a Lewallen.   The story was twisted a little down thru the years to say his MOTHER was a Lewallen.   With the dna testing, it proves his father was.   Now, whether or not his mother was also a Lewallen is not known.

   Can you get a copy of the naturalization papers and post them on the MyFamily site?   I have the world Ancestry subscription, so possibly I could find more about John S.'s family, which might help us trace our other roots back a further generation or two.


   --- On Sat, 7/30/11, Mary Parker <> wrote:

   From: Mary Parker <>
   Subject: Dan Llewellyn extended DNA results
   To: "Carol Redd" <>
   Date: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 7:30 AM

   Hi, Carol.
   At 67 markers, my brother Daniel's yDNA remains an exact match to yDNA results of John Preston Sexton, Berry Lafayette Carter, Sr. and William Carter.   Our family has no records further back than John S. Llewellyn's arrival in USA.   However, Kim Llewellyn on has a copy of John S. Llewellyn's natualization papers stating he was born in South Wales (not Gloucester, England).   I'm interested in knowing whether we are all LLEWELLYNS, or whether we are all CARTERS, which seems just as likely since we have no paper trail or records suggesting either.

Carol Redd - Jul 31, 2011

Biographical annals of Montgomery Co, PA:

The Llewellyns are an old family of Lower Merion.   Mrs. William Henry Meigs is a descendant of John Llewellyn, of Lower Merion, who was the son of Morris Lllewellyn.   The ancestor of the family came from Wales, and was among the purchasers of property in Lower Merion in William Penn's time. (10/14/1644 - July 30, 1718)

See additional pages: 820,758,866;535,886,695,928;705,886,929,941;683,1144,960,1202;812,1210,977,1255;642,1468,864,1525;867,1986,1091,2046;940,2057,1158,2113&pid=1194&ssrc=&fn=morris&ln=llewellyn&st=g

Carol Redd - Jul 31, 2011

The Montgomery County Story:

Griffith and Morris Llewellyn are listed early settlers in Lower Merion Twnship.

Griffiths are tied to Lllewellyns way back in the history of Wales.   My original research of my Sexton family of Morgan/Scott Co, TN included Rhoda Griffith, d/o Joseph Griffith, Rev War Soldier from VA, married William Sexton.   I'm interested to learn more about the connection of this Griffith family since they may tie into the Llewellyns and thus the reason Fielding Sexton raised John Preston Sexton despite his not being John P.'s father.   DNA has shown John Preston Sexton was actually a Lewallen.

Billie Harris - Jul 31, 2011

Carol, here's information for Pennsylvania which gives information on Morris going back to the 1600's.

[NOTE: broke link]

I don't think we've had a Llewellyn who can trace his genealogy back to Morris do a DNA.   So far, we've only found where one of his descendants moved to and that was Morgan County, Ohio