Billie Harris - Aug 16, 2011


You're the resident expert on the Norfolk Lewallens so maybe you could answer a question for me regarding the Richard Lewelling who married Grace Stockley and had a son Joshua and daughter Nancy.   His Will was proved in May 1802 and in July Grace married a Stephenson.   Joshua isn't mentioned in any transactions until 1818 which would, I presume, mean he was still fairly young when Richard died and maybe because of the financial circumstances, Grace remarried quickly.   I mean two months after his Will is proved is a quick time to find someone and fall in love with them when you're still mourning the loss of your husband.  

Who was this Richard's father?

Here's what I have - rather quickly - for the Norfolk family and yes, they were different than the Prince Edward group even though some of the given names are the same.   I'm relatively certain the two families (Norfolk and PE) were related, but they did live in different areas and are two different families.


(Per Will of Richard)

Richard, John, Abel, Paul, and Eliza Langley


1761 –  RICHARD LEWALLEN DIED in NORFOLK.   Wife Alice.   Just one son, WILLIAM.   His Will named his brothers.

JOHN, wife Mary, moved to Martin County, NC

ABEL had at least two daughters:

a.     KEZIAH SPAHN married in Norfolk 1778
b.   ELIZABETH   BOUSH married in Norfolk 1778

PAUL married Margaret Holmes, Norfolk 1798


In 1778, Mrs. Anne Lewelling married in Norfolk to George Collins.   Who was she?

1802 –  Richard Lewelling died.   His Willl names his wife Grace (Stockley), his son JOSHUA and daughter NANCY

So you see, we have two different Richard Lewellings, one dying 1761 and in his Will he names his brothers.   The other died 1802.

Who was the father of the one who died 1802?

Clete Ramsey - Aug 17, 2011


I’d hesitate to call me much of an expert on anything, particularly the confusing Lewelling mess in Norfolk and the Tidewater.   I’ll dig through my notes and see if I can make any sense of what I have concerning the multiple Richard Lewellings.   Our daughter is flying home Saturday from Belgium to spend a few days with us.   I probably won’t get to the Richard Lewelling task until after she’s gone at mid-week.

Regards from Virginia,
