More Wills & Marriages North Carolina & Virginia
Cindy Lewallen - Aug 28, 2011
I thought I had checked all the books I got for the name Rice and Owens. However, I went back to check and had left out a lot. Here's what I found for Rice:
North Carolina Wills: A Testator's Index, 1665-1900 Thornton W. Mitchell 1992 Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
Again, columns are as follows:
Name, County, Date, Recorded(recording number)
Benjamin, Beaufort, 1746 SS 878/52
Betsy M., Rockingham 1858 WB-C/274
Cathen, Rowen 1883, WB-2/56
Celia, Bertie, 1900 WB-K/23
Clarinda, Union, 1891 WB-2/396
David, Granville, 1856 WB-20/128
David, Gates, 1804 WB-1/210
Edmund, Rowan, 1891 WB-2/477
Edward, Bertie, 1867 WB-H/193
Edward, Bertie, 1753 SS 878/212
Elizabeth, Gates 1801 WB-1/188
Elizabeth, Halifax, 1885 WB-6/395
Enoch, Rowan, 1818 WB-G/521
Ephriam, Craven, 1788 WB-A/163
Evan, Craven, 1806 WB-B/253
Fanny, Rowan, c1806 WB-G/122
Francis, Rowan, 1814 WB-G/332
Francis, Granville, c 1868 WB-23/9
Issac C., Craven, 1880 WB-E/244
James, Craven, 1834 WB-C/369
James, Craven, c1772 Orig only
James C. Beaufort, 1890 WB-1/493
James, Y. Guilford, 1829 WB-B/386
Jesse, Orange, c 1798 Orig only
John, Nash, 1840 WB-1/443
John, Rowan, 1878 WB-1/475
John, Caswell, 1797 RB-C/197
John, Iredell, c1791 WB-1/201
John, Orange, 1783 WB-A/262
John, Chowan, 1753 Orig only
John, Caswell, 1794 RB-C/96
John, Chowan c 1764 WB-A/98
John, Gates, 1791 WB-1/94
John B. Nash, 1865 WB-1/591
John W., Vance, 1894 WB-A/192
John Y., Rowan, 1886 WB-2/203
John, Sr., Nash, 1845 WB-1/480
Joshua E., Halifax, 1887 WB-6/469
Judith, Gates, 1808 WB-2/13
Lucy, unidentified, 1720/1 SS-875/315
Lucy Ann, Davidson, 1886 WB-3/511
Martha, Nash, 1861 WB-1/572
Mary, Bertie, 1891 WB-1/326
Mary, Craven, 1819 WB-C/185
Mary, New Hanover, 1754 SS 878/192
Mary J. Warren, 1892
Morgin, unidentified c 1684 Orig only
Napoleon, Bertie, 1864 WB-H/144
Nathaniel, New Hanover, 1753 028 DB-5/288
Phillip, Rowan, 1845 WB-1/252
Rebacah, Rockingham 1820 WB-A/278
Reddin, Robeson, 1900 WB-4/256
Sarah, Bertie, 1860 WB-H/90
Sarah A., Beaufort, 1887 WB-1/432
Stephen A., Caswell, 1899 WB-B/357
Thomas, Granville, 1881 WB-23/427
Thomas, Caswell, 1804 RB-E/137
Thomas, Caswell, 1800 RB-C/438
William, Chowan, c1759 orig only
William, Rowan, c1806 WB-G/116
Willism, Bertie, 1762 WB-A/39
William, Bertie, 1853 WB-G/494
William, Robeson, 1892 orig only
William, Rowan, 1837 WB-1/6
William H. Rockingham, 1847 WB-C/61
Zadock, Orange, 1866 WB-G/493
Zebulon, Craven, 1788 WB-A/179
Note: where "orig only" appears, it means that indicates that the will was not recorded either because it was not authentic, or the probate was never completed because of the low value of the estate. Where "c" appears before a date, that is the date the will was originally signed because the probate date could not be established.
From Marriages of Early Edgecombe County, NOrth Carolina 1733-1868 by Ruth Smith Williams and Margarette Glenn Griffin, buplished by Dixie Letter Serivce, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 1958,
John Davison m. 15 December, 1789, Nancy Rice, daughter of James. Sur. James Rice, Prince Edward Co., Mar. Bond.
Gevens ______ m. Mary Owens, dau. of William, who d. ca 1752. Halifax, p. 323
Kilgrow, James m. 22 Dec., 1798, Sally Stockley, sister-in-law to Richard Lewelling. Sur. Richard Lewellen. Norfolk Co. Mar. Bond.
Pamplin, Henry m. 14 Sept., 1790, Esther Rice, dau. of Thomas. Sur. Samuel Rice. Charlotte Co. Mar. Bond.
From Marriages of some Virginia Residents 1607-1800 by Dorothy Ford Wulfeck, Genealogical Publishing Com., Inc 1986 (this may be a duplicate of a former entry)
Paul LUKE m. bef. 9 Nov., 1664, Sarah (_____) Llewellin, widow of Thomas. Boddie-Isle, p. 537
I think I've now searched all the books for Rice, Owen, Owens, all Lewallens, etc., Vernon. If there are any other names, just let me know. Marriage books are due 8/31 and 9/1.