Elizabeth Lewellen McDonald Family

Posted By: Dorothy Campbell

Date Posted: Apr 5, 2009


Elizabeth Ann Lewellen McDonald Family

She has a yellow mark on her.

Wife of Elihu McDonald

Daughter of John Lewellen & Delilah Reed Lewellen

November 16, 1837
June 30, 1925

Buried at Old McDonald Cemetery-Hillcrest Cemetery, Temple, Bell, Texas

Date Taken:

Place Taken:

Owner: Dorothy Odom

Dorothy Campbell - May 11, 2009

This is Elizabeth in older years, after she is a grandmother. Wish we had a better photo of her at different stages of her life. I don't recall any others, does anyone else?

Elizabeth Ann Lewallen (November 16, 1837-June 30, 1925)   wife of Elihu McDonald

I just added a link to Elizabeth Lewellen McDonald's headstone on Find A Grave thanks to our Karen Hix.
