Posted By: Mary Harris Johnson
Date Posted: Feb 12, 2010
Date Taken: Oct. 2004
Place Taken: Tn
Owner: Mary Harris Johnson
Diane Greer - Feb 15, 2010
This was taken at the end of Coal Hill Road on one of our searches for the
Anderson Lewellen/Lucy Rice grave. This was the only cemetery we found back there and of course as I mentioned in earler posts, Anderson/Lucy weren't in this spot. I just spoke with Gillis Morgan a few weeks ago and he is planning to show me the "farm field trail" that leads to the Anderson/Lucy site off that road. (Halleluiah, if this weather ever clears up!) He probably knows who was taking care of that particular Lewellen Cemetery. It is located down the road from Kathleen Fulwiler so my bet would be she knows for sure. What do you say Gill, who is still taking care of this gravesite??