Aunt Anna, Lana Hyder

Posted By: Dreama Baker

Date Posted: May 29, 2009

Description: This photograph was in an album of my mother, Gertie Lewallen, daughter of Balaam Eugene Lewallen.  

Grandpa Eugene was a son of Robert Lewallen and Martha Ann Morris Lewallen, and grandson of Andrew Russell Lewallen and Perlicia Ann Phobe Davis of Morgan County, Tennessee.  

On the back is written, "Aunt Anna, Lana Hyder."

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Dorothy Campbell - May 29, 2009

Is this Anna Dell Lewallen that married George Hyder? Could this Lana Hyder be her son Lance Hyder?

Dreama Baker - May 30, 2009


I don't know.   My mom, born in Glenmary in 1909, had these pictures, and identified the lady as Aunt Anna, but I am at a complete loss as to who Aunt Anna is.   My mother mentioned the last name Stone in connection with the pictures, but I don't know.   I will post another picture of her with her son-in-law.  

Dreama Gail Baker