Posted By: Dorothy Campbell
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2009
Lewallen, son of John & Delilah Reed Lewallen
This stone looks like it was made at same time the other stone was made that I had a question about, they look identical except for parents name, so I think it is possible they were made at same time and the other one was a misprint on last name, this one is correct, the other one shoud have been Young.
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Billie Harris - Mar 25, 2009
Dorothy, do you think this was perhaps an infant?
Dorothy Campbell - Mar 25, 2009
Yes, when it is listed son of or daughter of and no first name that is what it usually means.
Dorothy Campbell - Mar 26, 2009
Mystery solved! Thanks to Margery. This and the other stone like this is the back sides of Campbell & Millie Ann Young Lewallen's headstone. Makes a lot of sense now.
Resa Miller - Mar 26, 2009
Forgive me for being so dense, but are you saying this is the back of Campbell's head stone?
Dorothy Campbell - Mar 26, 2009
Resa, yes that is what it is, the back side of their headstone. I had seen them once years ago, so I didn't remember, but Margery says that is what it says on the back side of their headstons, so now it all makes sense to me. I sure was confused about those two stones. A lot of people engrave the backside too.