
Posted By: Venita Gaston

Date Posted: May 1, 2009

Description: l. to r. Crystal Blevins, dau of Blaine Blevins and grandaughter of Sarah McDonald Blevins.,   Florence Blevins Edwards, dau of Sarah McDonald Blevins.,
Tennessee Lewellen Ewing, dau of John Lewellen and Emely Reed., Sarah McDonald Blevins, dau of Emely Reed   and Sterling McDonald

Date Taken: mid 1930's   ?

Place Taken: John Lewellen home, Shep, Taylor Co., TX

Owner: Venita Gaston

Renee Nazario - May 19, 2009

Thank you, nice picture.   My great grandparents are buried at Shep Texas.   Their names were Amos Lewallen 1859-1941 and Nancy Bruner Lewallen 1866-1955.   Renee

Venita Gaston - May 21, 2009

Renee, do you have pictures of their grave markers?   If not, next time I'm there I will make some for you. Just let me know if you need pictures.

Renee Nazario - May 23, 2009

No not yet, my cousin Steffanie who just joined lost the pictures on her computer and is recreating then, but not yet.   I would love pictures of their graves.   His parents are also buried there.   I have a picture of Nancy McDonald Lewallen's grave   but not of her husband Zacheriah David Lewallen 1822-1910.   Thanks.   Renee

Dorothy Campbell - May 20, 2009


I have a question on this one.

You have Sarah listed as the daughter of Delilah?

Sarah McDonald Blevins, dau of Delilah Reed   and Sterling McDonald

Wasn't she Emely's daughter instead of Delilah's? Emely was the one who married Sterling McDonald right?

Mary  Hubbell - May 21, 2009

According to my records it was Emely who married Sterling McDonald.

Dorothy Campbell - May 21, 2009

Mary that is what I have too and have always seen other places.

Jean Brand - Jul 12, 2009

According to my records as well if was Emily.

Venita Gaston - May 21, 2009

Thanks for your watchful eye.   Sarah McDonald Blevins was indeed the daughter of Emely Reed and her first husband Sterling McDonald.   Must have been later than I thought when I posted those that night.   Thanks again for setting the record straight.

Ross Casey - Jun 17, 2009

This was taken at the land next to the Hurt farm right?   on your land right Venita?

Melba Boyd - Jun 19, 2009

I may be wrong, but I have always thought this picture was taken in the yard of Catlett Bascom Hurt & Texas Lewellen Hurt, my grand parents,because of the lilac bush and the pickett fence in the back ground looks like the one on their place.

Venita Gaston - Jun 21, 2009

May be in the Hurt family yard, in fact as I study it, I'm convinced it is.   Both houses had picket fences around their yards.