C K Lewallens Car

Posted By: Dorothy Campbell

Date Posted: Mar 25, 2009


C K Lewallens Car

This photo was taken 1926 while the Oneida High School, in TN was under construction.

The car belonged to C K Lewallen who was the only student to have a car at the time.

This is also the High School I went to, but by the time I went, it looked much different.

Date Taken:

Place Taken: Oneida High School in TN


Resa Miller - Mar 25, 2009

Do you mean to tell me, a high school student in 1926 had his own car?   They must have been rich!

Dorothy Campbell - Mar 26, 2009

I am making a correction on this one. I checked the dates on the C K, that   I thought was the correct one, but it can't be him, so must be a younger C K at this point I am not sure which one it is.

They name so many people with the same names sure gets confusing.

He doesn't seem to match dates of the C K' s that I have. Got to be a grandson somewhere in the line.

Billie Harris - Mar 26, 2009

Since cars were just being made about that time and few grown-ups, much less kids, had one, I'll bet he was the hit with his classmates !

Dorothy Campbell - Mar 26, 2009

Bet he didn't have any problem getting a girl friend.

Resa Miller - Mar 26, 2009

I asked my mom if they had a car when she was young, she said no and she was born in 1926.   Her dad was the mailman in the Elgin, Wolf Creek, Black Creek and Robbins he delivered from 2 post offices, Elgin and Robbins.He drove a horse and buggy. My Grandad was Elmer Todd, grandson of Andrew Russell Lewallen, husband of Perliscia Davis.
Of coarse they did eventually get a Model A.

Dorothy Campbell - Mar 26, 2009

Very few people could afford cars back then.