Robert Lewellin was a London merchant often mentioned in colonial records. From these records we know:

Robert Lewellin, 1651, was freighter, shipping goods to Barbados, servicing wealthy planters on the island.

In August of 1652, Robert was licensed to carry 300 Irishmen from any port to the Caribbean Islands.

Robert was the master of the ship, the Agreement, at bay in Gravesend, near Kent on Jan. 24, 1655. his ship was loaded with merchandise and 50 horses. He was later that day licensed to transport the goods to Barbados.

Robert signed a petition opposing the execution of the law opposing the planting of English tobacco. August 3rd, 1658.

Source: Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1574 - 1660, London, 1860, pgs. 349, 361, 388, 421, 467