I have in my possession a memory book given at Christmas, 1885 to Nancy Jane Llewellyn. I believe she married a Hulen. Here are some excerpts.

Locations mentioned: Loveville (presumably Lovell), Campbell, Richland, Knoxville, Concord, Muddy Creek, Ball Camp, Chota

There were a number of entries which were signed using abbreviations (T. S. C., for example)
I used the 1880 census to identify some of the people making entries in the book.

Eliza R. Rich was the daughter of James Rich, a schoolteacher according to the 1880 census. They lived in Loveville, TN Eliza R. Rich was born around 1875. She signed the book December 18 1886. She would have been around 11 years old. Apparently Loveville was a nearby post office that has long since closed.

Dear Aunt,
Out of sight, out of mind,
Old adage tho it be,
Is not always true you’ll find
I’ve not forgot then thee

John F. Larue was the son of Jacob and Mary Larue. Jacob was a farmer and John labored on the farm. John was born about 1861. He signed the book on Christmas but failed to write in the year he signed the book.

Friend Nannie
Gather rose buds While you may,
For time is a flying
And the same flower that blooms today
Tomorrow be a dying.

M. J. Watkin appears to be Mima Watkin, daughter of John and Amelia Watkin. John was a farmer. Mima was born about 1872. The book was signed Dec. 25th 1885.

My dear friend Nannie,
When I am gone and far away
And no more of you I see,
… (illeigible)
Think of me.

Lizzie Rich, presumably Elizabeth Rich, daughter of James and Mary Rich, the same noted above, and the sister of Eliza Rich, noted above, signed the book Dec. 26, 1885. Lizzie was about 12 years old when she signed the book. Her birth year being approx. 1877.

Dear Aunt,
When this you see,
Remember me,
Your loving niece

Freeman Llewellyn, my great grand uncle.

Dear Aunt Nancy,
I’de kill ‘em
Freeman L.

Jacob D. Hart, born about 1870, to William and Olivia Hart, a farmer. Signed June 9, 1888. Only entry was “Carson College”

Page of Signatures
D. N. Fox, David N. Fox, born about 1869, living in District 10 of Knox County. Son of William M. and Louisa Fox
Shep Kirby

K. M. Kelohmer, Martin Coram, son of Wilson and Mary Coram, of District 4, born about 1872

St. A. Harling

Annie Viles

Minnie Kirby, daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Kirby, born about 1878.

Tina Neuhauser

Lizzie Rich and John Rich

Moses Stoltzfus, son of John and Mary Stoltzfus, a farmer, born about 1877

Amanda A. Cox, daughter of James H. and Henrietta Cox , born about 1865. James was a farmer.

Dearest Nannie,
Love no man
Not even your brother
If we must love,
Let us love each other
Your truest friend,

Jessie Jones, born about 1875, the daughter of Thomas and Mary Jones

Dear Nannie
Flowers may wither, Plants may die,
marry may forget you, but never will I.
Your true friends, Jessie Jones, July 10, 1887

Lula Jones, born about 1877, daughter of Thomas and Mary Jones

When you are old and cannot see,
Put on your spectacles and think of me.
Your true friend of me, Lula Jones, July 7, 1887

Mabel Jones, daughter of Thomas and Mary Jones, born about 1873

I love you long, I love you enough to fill a pot. Don’t forget that.
Your true friend, Mabel Jones, July 10, no year given

John F. Larue, born about 1861, the son of Jacob and Mary Larue.
Friend Nannie,

When I am dead and gone and buried under ground,
And your dear eyes still greet the shining day,
Will your memory wander like a ghost around,
Or will you pluck fresh blossoms of the May?
And waste no roses on my burial mound
Your friend, John F. Larue.

Nancy Smith, daughter of Rector and Mahala Smith, born about 1864. Her father was a farmer in the community.

Remember Nov. 3rd, Election day. Hurrah for Mc.
Signed Nannie Smith, Campbell, Tenn.
(Benjamin Harrison beat William McKinley in the 1888 presidential election)

Another Page of Signatures:
Lucinda Stoltzfus
Laura Gambill
Mollie Fox
Kate Neuhauser
Emma Larue
Joe Neuhauser
Ollie Kirby
C. S. Llewellyn (Charles)
Jane Gambill
Freeman Llewellyn
Hanna Gamble
A. S. Neuhauser
C. W. Larue
Florine Larue

Comment from my previous blog posting:


I am not sure how this works. I am very interested in a few names that are listed here. They are Eliza R. Rich and Lizzie and John Rich. They are my great Aunts and Uncle. There father was the James Rich mentioned. I would be interested in any information that you may have on them. Also I am very interested in the Grassy Valley Baptist Church. I have in in contact with them Eliza,Lizzie and John have a brother buried there his name was James Ozzie Rich he died in 1892. I would love to find out what he died of he was only twelve. The rest of the family moved to the Glendale, CA area in the early 1900's. And how is this Nannie related to Eliza Rich? Any help would be great. Thank you very much, Dianne Carpenter