Another Attempt at Murder

On Friday night two Bank ruffians attempted to murder Mr. Thomas Llewellen, President of the democratic Association of Second Ward, Spring Garden. One of the ruffians kept him in conversation while the other aimed a deadly blow at his head from behind. Mr. Llewellen happened to stoop at the moment, and the blow was received by Mr. George Colson, who fell senseless under it. The ruffians fled to the Bankite head-quarters, corner of Callowhill and Thirteenth street where one of them was captured. Mr, Llewellen had committed no offense, but that for which poor Perry was murdered - he had challenged non-residents in the Bank ranks.

[Note: Philadelphia area, about 1834.]

Source: The United State of North America as they are, Not as They are Generally Described: Being a Cure for Radicalism, by Thomas Brothers, Pub: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1840, p. 306